chapter 2: getting ready for school

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After having a mental breakdown I finished unpacking everything and had my clothes picked out. I decided to wear black tight pants, a black hoodie, and my black converse. I also am going to wear hoop earrings and black bracelets. No im not Goth I just like that color. Soon enough it was one in the morning so I layed in bed and set my alarm clock for 5:30 so I could meet Jason and go for a quick run then get ready and go to school.

As I layed there looking up at the dark ceiling I began to ponder about my parents and wonder if they were proud of me and my accomplishments and with that I drifted into a slumber.

Waking up at the sound of my alarm clock was hell. I am and never will be a morning riser. I quickly got dressed into my jogging pants and a tank top. I then ran to the park and waited for about 10 minutes and then when I finally was about to leave I saw Jason. I got to say he didn't look to bad with his bed head. Although he looked tired he looked happy when he saw me and then he smiled and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. his smile is contagious.

We jogged and ran and jogged for thirty minutes straight yet we didn't say a word and I think he sensed I didn't want to and just for that I was thankful. Finally when I was in front of my house I told him that ill see him in a little and he nodded and ran off.

Walking back to my room I took a quick shower, put on my clothes and as I stared at the girl in the mirror I knew she had changed. Her once big green eyes had dimmed, her brown straight hair had grown very long with dead ends and her lips were cracked. And where there once used to be a smile changed into a frown. She wasn't the same and she probably will never be. Looking back at myself for one last time I told myself what my mom used to say to me. "smile it makes you feel happy" well no matter how many times I tried it never worked so I just kept the frown , grabbed my bag from my bed and then went downstairs.

Soon enough I heard a honk from someones car so I figured it was Jason and went outside. what I found was Jason in a big ass blue, four door truck. I shoudve know he would drive a truck from his country twang. I hopped in the front seat to only find a grinning Jason.

"good morning darling"

"good morning jason" I said as I took in his nice fit dark torn jeans, plaid shirt, cowboy boots, and cowboy hat self. He cleaned up pretty nice. Wait. What was I saying? I shook my head of those thoughts and turned to look out the window. Pretty soon we were moving and Jason put on some country songs that I hummed to.

"you know country music?"

"y-yea why?"

"I don't know ya just don't look like a country music person..." he said unsure of how I was going to take that comment.

"well my mom listened to country music so I do to."

"oh" he said now grinning, then he turned it up and we listened to it all the way to school.

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