Chapter 18 : The tree at Lunch

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Ok so i know i took a while to update i am sorry but i hope you like this chapter! :)

"Oh don't cry Angel." Luke said and sat back down next to me.

"I'm sorry Luke."

"No its ok, but tell me what happened earlier." he said

"Okay... w-well my friend, he wont talk to me at all and I don't even know what i did wrong."

I could feel Luke tense up when I said the HE part. So i kept Jason name out of it.

"Whats his name?" he asked. Oh Crap.

"Why do you want to know Luke?" i asked


Oh thats a real answer.

"Luke you cant do anything if I tell you there name. And you have to promise."

"Fine. I promise."

"Thank you. And its Jason." I said.

Once again he tensed up.

"Luke are you alright?"

He didnt respond.


Still no response! Okay i have had enough of this.

"So now you're not going to answer me either?!" i started getting irritated with him so i began to pack up my things. As i got up he pulled me back down by my wrist.

"What Luke? I'm not going to sit here and just have you ignore me." i said frustrated.


"Okay what?!" i asked

"Okay i will talk to you."

"Thank you." i said "So what's wrong?"

"Nothing. But Jason doesn't like me at all and i don't really like him either. We just don't get along and he might not be talking to you because of me..." he said

"Oh" And that's when it realization struck me. Jason was ignoring me because i was with Luke. Oh the nerve he had.

"So hes not talking to me because we are friends!" i exclaimed "I will be right back Luke. I need to have a few words with Jason."

"Umm...ok" he said un surely.

ok so i know this is short sorry :/

but uh oh whats going to happen with Jason?! And Angel is not acting like the shy girl she is in this chapter and its going to be the same for the next chapter!

so because this chapter is short i ONLY WANT 4 VOTES TO UPDATE SOON! :)



thanks for reading :)


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