Chapter 21 : L-U-K-E

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I mean he was cute. Blonde straight hair, not to short, bright green eyes, and had a nice tan. But i hadnt been out with anyone in... I dont even know. But maybe this could be fun and he looks so sweet and nervous. I cant make him feel bad.

"Ummm.... Sure." I replied unsurely, I didnt know if I made the right decison but I would find out soon.

"Really?" he asked with excitment.

"Y-yea." I stuttered.

"Oh okay well we could go out later today? Oh and  I will need your number." he said

"Oh okay." So i gave him my number and then he told me he would text the details later and then the dismisal bell rang.(dont hate meeee Luke lovers!)

As I made my way out to Lukes car I couldnt help but think about Nate. He was so cute and when he stuttered, I remeber at my old school all the guys stuttered when they came up to talk to me. I hadnt had that happen in a while. I also felt really nervous. What if I act weird? What if I do something embarassing? What if-

"Angel?" Luke said snapping me out of my little nervous trance.

"Oh yea.. Sorry." he just chuckled. I loved that sound. Wait. what the hell?

"You ready to go?" he asked.


Once we got in the car Luke was queit for a while and so was I. My thoughts were all scrambled I was lost in them and almost didnt hear Luke.

"So are you going to tell me whats wrong?" Luke asked me while looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Nothings wrong." I answered.

"Okay then." he replied like everything was all good but I saw how his hands were gripping the steering wheel tighter. He was getting upset, and i didnt like it.

"Listen Luke,  I-I just am a little upset f-from earlier and I'm a little nervous about something. Is that what you wanted to know?" I asked him queitly.Disregarding my question he asked me a question.

"So what are you so nervous about?"

I gulped. I didnt know why I was so nervous to see his reaction about my answer.

"Ummm. well... this guy at our school... hes really nice and he asked me on a date. But I havent been on a date in so long and I'm shy so... I dont know if he will like me." I tried to explain in a jumbled mess.But Lukes knuckles were white and his grip on the sterring wheel was worse.


No response. What is with people not responding to me.

Suddenly we were parked at my house but I was not happy. In fact I was pissed and hurt.

"Okay, you know what I dont know what your problem is. I actually tell you whats wrong with me in a long time and you ignore me. How the hell is that spost to make me feel any better than the shit I already feel? Gosh I start trusting someone and I thought we were becoming friends. My bad." I said getting louder and then one tear had to fall but i wiped it away and got out of the car.

"I hope you have a nice date." I heard him say before I slammed the door.

Once I got in the house my aunt wasnt sitting in the living room in fact she wasnt home. I decdied to go straight to my room. I placed my phone on the desk and then fell on my bed and bawled. It just hurt so much I finally tell someone something wrong and they dont respond. Then my phone beeped. Hoping maybe it was Luke I looked only to find Nates message.

-Hey, where do you live?! -Nate

so i gave him my adress.

-Ok I will be ther in about two hours if thats okay with you? -Nate

-Sure, thatt would be great -A

-Ok see you then :) - Nate

And I left it at that, now I had to get ready.


  Finally after an hour of getting ready I had a balck skirt with aqua blue top on. I didnt really do much make up because I didnt have much to impress. I was now sitting on the couch, soon my phone beeped. Thinking it was Nate I picked it up and read it.

- Hey. I'm really sorry for being a jerk, could we maybe meet up and talk? -Luke

I just stood there frozen. Oh gosh. What do I do? I dont even know if I should text him back. I mean why would he ignore me and now apologize. But I decided to be nice and actually type back.

-I'm sorry but I wont be home for a little while. Maybe after? - A

-Okay I will wait. Just text or call me when you get home from your date. I dont care how late it is. Have fun. -Luke

-Okay -A

Thats all i sent back before i got another message assuming it was Luke i quickly opened it, only to be dissapointed that it was Nate.

-Hey i'm here -Nate

-Okay be right out! - A

I got in the car and Nate greeted me.

"Hey! Are you ready to have fun?!" He asked as we drove out of my neighboorhood.

"Yea." I replied a little more queitly then how he was talking.


"So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Oh you'll see!" he said excitedly.

Then we pulled up to a loud, lite up place. A party. I could already tell this was not my atmosphere. Maybe a couple years ago but not now. I couldnt go in there. It brough back to many memories. I needed to leave.

"Nate, I dont want to be here. Please take me home or somewhere eles." I begged.

"Oh come on, lighten up. You're too shy, you need to live a little." And thats when i realised this was NOT the same Nate that was talking to me earlier that one was a fake.

"You're not shy and queit are you Nate? You faked your personalitiy." i stated the last part.

"Hell ya! I had to do something! I needed to get you to live a little!" he exclaimed.

I was shocked. How could i let myself fall for this.

"Please Nate take me home." i said.

"Nope." he said it like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Okay well I am not going in there with you." I stated.

"Okay then I will see you later." And with that he shut the door and left me in his car. Alone.

Oh gosh. I cant call my aunt she would kill me if she knew I went to a house party even though I didnt know tthis is where we were going. I scanned my contact list and passed Jasons name. Maybe I could call him? But no it was too late what if he was busy or doing something or what if he didnt really want to but felt like he had to. Then a name came into my head. L-U-K-E.


  Also pooorrr Angel! Nate was a buttholleeee!!!! anywayyyyyy 5 VOTES AND 3 COMMENTS TO UPDATE! thanksss babbesss for reading my bookkk i really appreciateee itttt!

reminder! remeber only god can judge us, forget the haterz, cause somebodyy loves ya <3

oh and when i say update i mean i wont update until you do the certian amount of votes and comments..... also for the people who are impatient you need to realise that I have a life and I am verrryy busy. so please be patient. thank you for all the readers who comment and vote!!! :)


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