chapter 8 : Dinner with an unexpected guest

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OK ASHER IS NOW LUKE!!!!! ASHER = LUKE I'm sorry for changing his name! but please don't get confused! :)

"ok so I don't know who you are but um my mom said I had to talk to you so I guess I have to." Luke struggled to say.

He still hadn't seen who I was because he remained behind me. "listen I get it if you don't want to talk to me but I'll get an ass wippin if you don- ... hey you're the girl from my seat." He stated coming around to finally see my face and the curious look on his face was replaced with a scowl. so I spoke up as I was told if they talk to me I must talk to them.

"yes I am and I'm sorry I took your seat I didn't mean to." I spoke quietly, something flashed across his face but soon enough it was gone and replaced by a scowl again.

"sure you are.... Why are yo-" I cut him off

"listen I understand your parents want you to talk to me so can we please...p-please just pretend we did b-because unlike your parents my aunt does not want me to talk a lot." I said with a pleading voice and as soon as I said those words I regretted the. I saw concern cross his face great just what I needed.

"umm may I use the bathroom?" I asked quickly and then he pointed to it so I rushed towards it. I stood there for a while and wondered what I just got myself into. As I went back and sat down he began to ask me a question about what I was talking about. But my aunt walked into the room and smiled at us. I being the oh so loyal niece I smiled back and as they passed the food my aunt and Cassandra chatted until Cassandra started to talk to me.

"so I hear you go to the same school as my son?"

"Yes mam" I replied politely

"Well I'm glad." I was very confused. She continued. "Because he will be very happy to drive you to and from school."

ok so this is the last update untill this sunday hopefully i can post a long chapter sunday! :) hope u like my story!



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