chapter 10 : snapping at Luke

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OK ASHER IS NOW LUKE!!!!! ASHER = LUKE I'm sorry for changing his name! but please don't get confused! :)

I ran out the door and walked until I found the playground and there right by the swings I fell and felt my world collapsing. Suddenly I jumped as I felt a hand on my back. I looked up through my tear stained eyes and seen a blurry Luke.

"what do you want?" I snapped at Luke.

"i just came out here to see if you were okay...."

"oh wow how nice of you to be nice to me now that I'm crying !" I replied.

"well you know what i don't know why i even bothered coming out here I'm going back have fun by yourself!"he snapped.

"thanks"i half yelled.

Soon enough he was gone and i was left there alone so i stayed there for a little while longer and then i wipped the tears away and headed back to the house. As i made it to the front door i prayed my aunt was sleeping or not in the living room.

ok so this is all I'm going to be able to post until this weekend. I know its short but I promise I will post a longer chapter this weekend :) please comment and vote other wise I don't know if you really like the book.... thx




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