Chapter 17 : Whats wrong with Jason

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its not as long as the other one but sorryy

Once i woke up I took another shower to wake me up. It felt refreshing, once i got out i began to get ready for school and then my phone beeped.

Goodmorining i'll be over in five minutes to get you                                                                  -Luke

Goodmorning i'll see you see then                                                                                            -Angel

Ok :P                                                                                                                                         -Luke

Now i had to text Jason and let him know that he didnt need to pick me up.

Hey Jason i dont need you to come and get me today :/ sorry                                                  -Angel

No Response.

Once i heard a car honk i stepped outside and headed over to the car and got in.

'Hey Angel" he greeted me


Then he turned on the radio and it was peaceful the rest of the ride to school. At school I bent down to get my stuff off the floor board Luke came around and held the door open for me. Which i guess i wasnt the only one  not expecting that because a lot of people were staring at us.

"Umm t-thank you Luke."

"No problem." he chuckled at my expression

Once i was fully out of the car he closed the door and I began to walk the other way.

"Angel wait!" he shouted

I turned around thinking that i forgot something. He finally caught up and had to catch his breath so I gave him a minute.

"Did i forget something?" i asked confused as to why he was over here by me


"Oh, then what do you want?" i asked him but then i realised how that sounded. "I m-mean, not like that"

"Angel its ok, I know what you meant." he smiled and it blinded me. I wouldnt mind seeing that smile more often. Wait. What?

"I just wanted to walk with you to your class.... if you dont mind?" he asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh-h yea i dont care, but i have to go to my locker."

"Thats fine by me." he said having a cute grin on his face.

Once we were done at my locker we headed to my classroom.

"I will see you later Angel." luke said

"Okay, bye"

Sitting in my English class time passed so slow but finally the bell rang. In my math class i sat next to Jason.

"Hey Jason." I whispered to him

He didnt respond to me so i figured he didnt hear me.

"Hey Jason." I said a little louder. But still no response.So i built up so confidence and said "Jason whats wrong?"

"Jason talk to me."

Still NO response. So I decided to leave him alone, still not knowing why he was mad. Although it was making me sad to know he wouldnt talk to me.The bell rang so i went to my next class and sat in the back and put my head down trying to process whats going on with Jason and what i could've done to him to make him ignore me. Suddenly someone was tapping me.

"Go away please." i said not bothering to lift my head and see who it was.

"Angel." Luke said.

So I looked up into his worried beautiful aqua blue eyes. Ughh i need to stop thinking this stuff.

"Whats wrong?"he asked.

"Noth-" i began

"Dont lie to me" he said

"Can I just talk to you about it later....? Please?" I pleaded

I can tell he was hesitant but he finally sat down in the seat next to mine.

Eventually it was lunch time and i decided to sit out by the tree by myself. As i sat down i rested my head between my nees ans relaxed.


"Yes Luke?"

"You still havent talked to me and I think your trying to avoid me."

"Really, just becuase i'm not with you at lunch doesnt mean i'm avoiding you." i snapped at him

"Wow, ok i'm sorry." he said apoligeticly

Ughhh how could I be so rude.

"No, i'm so sorry Luke i didnt mean to snap at you."

"It's okay i think i'm gonna go back to the cafiteria.'" he said as he began to walk away.

"Wait, please dont go Luke." I said as a tear fell down my cheek and i cursed myself for letting it slip but i just couldnt take having everyone leaving me.

ok so what did you think of this chapter?! Man Angel was a bitch to Luke!! Do you think hes going to go back to the cafetiria or do you think he will stay with her? AND WHATS WRONG WITH JASON?!








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