chapter 25 : WHAT?

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"Its just... My mom. Shes leaving for a week but I dont want to stay with my dad for a week. But my mom says that I have no choice." 

"What about Chris? Cant you stay there?" I asked 

"No. I already know his living situation. I cant go with him." he had stress lines as he spoke. I put my hand over his and he breifly smiled. 

"Luke your going to be fine. You will figure it out." then an idea hit me. "what about my house?" 

"I dont know, thats a lot to ask from you."

"Well your not asking me Im telling you that you are coming over. As long as my aunts okay with it. Now please stop stressing and being in a bad mod, I dont like it."

He gave me a big grin and we arrived at school. Getting out of the car I notice Chris heading this way in a hurry.

“Hey Luke, hey Angel. So I heard something” he said to both of us.  I just gave him a curious look and so did Luke.

“Heard what? “Luke asked.

“That yall are going out and….” He trailed off.

“And what?” I said louder, he just looked at me unsurely.

“I don’t believe it but I heard it.” He said not answering our questions.

“What?!” Luke was getting upset. So I looked at chris and said “Hold on Chris” then I turned around towards Luke.

“Luke please don’t get mad, we don’t want another car incident.”

“Okay.” He looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath.

“Now what is it chris?”Chris looked shocked but continued.

“I heard that you two are going out but Angel is a whore because you were going out with Luke but you went on a date with Nate then you left Nate for Luke again.” He said in one big breath.

To say Luke was mad was a understatement, he was furious. So even though it went against my better judgment I went up to him and put my hands on his cheeks and looked him straight in the eyes and just stared at him. As he was looking back I felt his body posture loosen up and he relaxed a little.

“So who started the rumor?” Luke asked.

“No. we do not need to know who started the rumor.” Then I turned to Chris. “Chris do not tell him.” I begged.

“Tell. Me.” Luke ordered.

“Luke if he tells you and you do something, I wont speak to you for the rest of the week and probably longer.” I said in a stern voice.

He looked at me and sighed. “Fine, but I still want to know who said it.”

And the name that chris was about to say, just made everything ten times worse.

dun dun dun 

okay guys so i will be uploading again soon! sorry this took so long and ik ik its short but the next one should be longer! anyway please 1 comment to update! tell me who you think it is that started this rumor!!

lov yall

thx for reading!



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