chapter 3:getting my schedule

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As soon as we parked in the lot I felt my hands get hot and clamy and I felt like I was going to be sick. Jason then took my hand and looked me right in the eye.

"look... Angel your going to be fine. I understand your nervous because it's a new school and all but people here are really nice so I know you will make friends." As he said that I could feel my nerves going away.

Soon enough he took me to the office and then they dismissed him to go. I could see he was hesitant to leave me but I nodded for him to go so he did. I mean who would of thought I would already have a friend on the second day here in this town. The lady then interrupted my thoughts.

"sweetie heres your schedule and the numbers in the corner are the classroom numbers"

I nodded and then walked away, I wasn't trying to be rude I just don't like talking to people. I soon found my first period , English with mr.Lous. Heres my scheadual:

English Mr.Lous

Math Mrs.Ryan

Science Mr.wyatt


Art Mrs. Gene

PE Mr.dumbball

History Mrs.louiss

Free period (study hall)

Well that's my schedule and im glad I got all the classes I had at my old school. As I entered my first period Mr. Louis greeted me and told me where to sit so I nodded my head and sat down in the back of the class.

People stared at me but I ignored them. If I were my old self I would tell them to eff off and ask them if I had something on my face but im not like that anymore and im very self-cautious.

After the bell rang I packed up my stuff and headed out. I then got to my math class and sat in the very back after Mrs. Ryan told me to sit anywhere. Soon enough the bell rang and 5 minutes into class Jason showed up.

"first day of class and your already late jason, why?" Mrs. Ryan asked.

"Well I was looking fo-"mid-sentence he stopped and he was staring at me and then a childish grin fell on his lips. He then continued "im sorry Mrs. Ryan won't happen again"

"ok go take a seat." As soon as she said that he came over and sat in the seat right next to me.

"hey darling"

I could sense some glares coming from all the girls in the room. I guess Jason was a well-known person and that he had a lot of fans and when I say fans I mean GIRL fans.

sorry about the spelling and some grammar errors I haven't edited this yet.

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