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Walking towards the hotel Andrea and I stayed behind a little

"Be careful with that fuckboy" Andrea says as she points to Sammy.

"Andes you don't have to worry about me. You know I don't throw myself at guys" I say as we walk towards the doors.

We're finally inside the hotel and Andrea leads me to the elevator to get to the room. She opens the hotel room reveling two beds and a bunch of guys sitting around the room.

As we walk in Kenny sets down my luggages and sits down. Andrea introduced me to all the boys.

We all talked for a while until Cameron suggested we go down to the pool everybody agreed but me. I was too tired to go.

Everyone left the room to go to their rooms and get ready.

"You okay" Andrea asked me as I plopped onto the bed. "Yeah just tired".

"Alright I'll let you rest." She said as she walked out the door. Within minutes I was fast asleep.

I was sharing a room with the Jacks. They're all going to the pool but I feel like staying in the room and chilling for a bit.

"You coming" JJ asks as I sit on my bed.

"Nah I'm just gonna stay here and chill for a bit"

"Alright see you later then" G says as they walk out the door.

I couldn't stop thinking about Kourtney. She's just so god damn beautiful. Her laugh, her smile, her height which I think is adorable, and her eyes she tried avoiding eye contact with me the entire time we were in the car. Well she avoided eye contact with everyone.

What's so bad about her eyes I saw them and they're so beautiful; her right eye is a nice blue with little freckles in them (if that makes sense) and her left eye is a beautiful dark green with freckles as well.

'Two hours later'
It was getting late and we all decided to head up to our rooms and takes showers so we can go eat.

As I walk in the room I see Kourt is still sleeping. I didn't wanna wake her up yet so I just hopped in the shower. As soon as I was done with my shower I got dressed into some bootcut Hollister jeans, a black tank top, a red and black flannel, and some black vans.

After I was done getting dressed I woke up Kourtney.

I was awoken by Andrea poking my butt.

"Hey sleeping head we're all going out to eat so get your booty up and get ready" I got up and walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. I took a cold shower to wake myself up a little more.

As soon I was done with my shower I forgot I didn't bring clothes with me to change. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out.

When I walked out of the bathroom a saw Sam and the Jacks sitting on Andreas bed.

I felt my face heat up I know I was extremely red. I was so embarrassed, how did I not hear them come in? To late, screw it.

I made my way over to my suit case grabbing the exact same outfit as Andrea. (We planned on twinning some days) as soon as I grabbed my clothes I walked back to the bathroom and got dressed.

The Jacks came back from swimming. They each took their turns and hopped in the shower. As soon as they were done we decided to just chill in Andreas room till it was time to leave.

When we got to Andreas room she told us Kourtney was in the shower so it'd be a while till we leave. After about 15 minutes we heard the water stop.

Kourtney came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her, I couldn't help but stare. She was so damn gorgeous. I saw her face turn bright red, she walked over to her suit case grabbed some clothes and made her way back into the bathroom.

"Well that was nice" G said and JJ lightly chuckled I felt my body heat up a little.

I needed her and I needed to win her before someone else does.

I walked out of the bathroom fully clothed this time. "Finally you're out, you take forever" Andrea says as she grabs her purse and we walk out the door.

I was walking behind a little because I get distracted with about anything, and also because I was admiring the place. I dazed off looking at a beautiful fountain, when I bumped into someone; Sam.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there" I say turning back to look at the fountain one last time.

"It's alright babygirl" he says while pulling me closer to him

"Don't call me babygirl" I say annoyed while pushing him off me. I was not going to fall into one of his fuckboy traps.

"Chill lil ma"

"For you it's Kourtney, and only Kourtney, don't call me babygirl or lil ma or any of your other stupid nicknames; fuckboy" I say walking past him and catching up with Kenny.

"What's up cutie" Kenny says while putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Mm nothing just trying to get away from fuckboy over there" I say while looking over my shoulder.

"Ahh typical Sam, let me guess he called you babygirl and some stupid other nickname? Am I right?"

"Yes you're 100% right"

We arrived at the pizza place and ordered 4 different large pizzas.

(A/N)Sorry it wasn't the best chapter I'm trying. I promise it'll get better

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