2 - Losing a Friend

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"Elsa, please come out... I know you're in there," Anna said behind Elsa's closed door. Elsa sat, her back against the door, tears rushing down her face. All around her, the room was frozen. She'd lost control. And she was alone. Alone to handle this by herself, to handle the hurricane of emotions inside of her. Her parents were gone. She was still trying to process this.

"Elsa, please... people are asking where you've been. They tell me to have courage, and I'm trying to. But it's so hard. I need you with me, Elsa. Please, I'm right out here for you, if you'd just let me in."

It took everything in her to not sob and open the door. It was so hard.

Jack, where are you? I need you... please... please come back.

But he didn't, and she knew he wouldn't. Maybe he really was just a figment of her imagination. After all, how could there be anyone so wonderful, someone who could understand her so well? There wasn't. She was doomed to life a miserable life.


In the years that followed, Elsa stopped believing that Jack was real. She stopped hoping to see him, and, eventually, she forgot about him entirely.

Without Jack, Elsa's fear grew until it was almost all-consuming. She was terrified on the day of her coronation. What if I mess up? What if I make a mistake and the power, the power that I've tried so hard to hide, comes out?

Her heart was pumping, her mind was rushing, everything around her was hyper focused.

"Your Majesty?"

Elsa nearly leaped out of her skin. "Yes?"

"It's time for your coronation. The guests have arrived."

"O-okay! I'll be right out," she called. She breathed in through her nose, out through her mouth. Keep it together, Elsa. You can do this. It's only one day!

With a final deep breath, she opened the door and walked out, heading towards the throne room, where she would take her dead father's place as ruler of Arendelle.

Winter Love ~ A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now