24 - Memories and Threats

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Jack opened the golden cylinder and nothing appeared to have happened.

"Are you alright?" Snow demanded.

"I feel no change," Jack stated.

Snow took a cautious step forward but several feet still stood between them. She asked, "What's inside?"

"Teeth," Jack replied. "Little, white, baby teeth...my Queen."

Snow separated the distance between them in seconds and she gasped, "That cannot be it!"

She paused only a foot from him and peered guardedly at the case in his hand. She had believed Pitch but she also believed this was the thing making her hear voices and feel warmth and if what the Guardians said was true...

"Nothing?" She stated, "There is nothing in it other than teeth?!"

Jack pointed the end of the case to her and said, "Your image is also on it, Your Majesty." Snow stared at the end he pointed at her and saw her face smiling back at her. It looked exactly like her with the exception of the joyous smile.

"That's me," she whispered in surprise.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Jack replied.

Snow slowly reached out and gripped the golden cylinder. Even more slowly, she took its weight into her grasp and out of Jack's hand.

The cylinder was surprisingly warm and lightweight. The top opened with two doors covered in a multitude of diamond shapes. On the inside, was red velvet cloth and white teeth rolled around within.

Nothing happened. She felt no different and she remembered nothing new. She sighed heavily and held the case back to Jack. He was going to need to hide it from Pitch and the Guardians, just in case this cylinder was really dangerous to her.

"Hide this in-," she started to say but paused what something on the case caught her eye. At first, she had assumed it was a glimmer from the light but, as she moved the cylinder, the glint grew.

She drew the cylinder closer and peered curiously at the shine as it grew and images began to appear. Without any warning, memories were thrown at her: her childhood with her secret winter friend, Jack Frost; her winter powers; her harming her sister; her parents' deaths; her running away from her kingdom when her powers were discovered; Jack's loving embrace; her and Jack's mutual separation; the ominous dreams from Pitch; rushing to save Jack; trading her life for his; and finally, Pitch killing her and replacing her memories.

She fell to her knees and gasped for breath as the memories assaulted her mind. She clutched her chest as the ice in her heart cracked then began to break altogether. Her chest began to burn so painfully that she could not catch her breath. When her heart finally broke free it raced, beating faster than she ever felt before, almost as if it was trying to make up on the centuries it spent frozen. Only once it returned to its typical pace was she able to breathe normally again.

Jack was leaning over her, his gaze impassive, not knowing what just happened and still under her spell.

"Your Majesty?" He inquired.

"No," she gasped and the tooth box slipped from her fingers. It hit the ground with a ringing tap then rolled away, into the shadows of her room. She had fallen to her knees but she pushed herself up and caught Jack's eyes as she stated, "Don't call me that. I'm not the Snow Queen...I'm Elsa!" She wobbled on her feet and Jack caught her by her elbows before she could fall. She gasped, "I'm Elsa, Jack! I remember, I'm Elsa of Arendelle!"

She smiled at him and for the first time in centuries she felt joy and love. Her feelings for Jack never changed and the way he had come for her obviously showed he still cared for her. All she wanted to do at that moment was take Jack in her arms and feel the passion they once shared again.

Winter Love ~ A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now