22 - The Arrival

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The Guardians appeared two days after Jack fell under her curse.

"Damn, damn, damn!" Pitch hissed as he peered at the gathered company from atop the balcony that overlooked the horizon from the top of the castle. All the Guardians were there: North, Toothiana, Bunnymund, and Sandy. The Guardians were glaring at them and had been ever since she and Pitch stepped outside.

"I do believe," Snow murmured, leaning lazily on the balcony's railings with her elbows. "...we need a new plan."

"You think??" Pitch exclaimed.

"PITCH?" North yelled, (and not for the first time). "Where is Jack Frost?!"

"Keep them distracted," Pitch hissed as he turned back to go inside.

"Do you have a plan?" She asked.

"No! Distract him until I do!" Pitch growled. He disappeared inside and Snow sighed heavily. It looked like she was supposed to come up with a plan...She paused for a moment as she considered her possibilities and rolled her eyes as she decided. She hated leaving her castle.

She pushed herself over the railing then stepped out into the open air and dropped down. The southern winds caught her and snow flurried around her until she gently landed on the hard snow.

The Guardians stepped back and eyed her warily when she landed.

"What are you doing on my lands?" She asked haughtily.

North stepped up to her with a glare and hissed, "We have come for Jack Frost! He came here looking for you!"

"Why would he do that?" She asked in mock surprise. North became enraged, just like she wanted.

"Yaw obviously don't rememba or yaw would be just as worried as we are!" Bunnymund growled.

"I might remember a Jack...Jack O' Lantern? No...Jack Be-Quick?" Snow guessed sarcastically.

North drew two huge saber swords from his belt and he roared, "You know exactly who I am talking about! Where is Jack Frost?!"

Snow turned toward the castle, just enough so she could keep an eye on the Guardians.

"Frost!" She called out to him. Seconds later, Jack flew out of one of the castle windows and in a matter of moments was at her side. She gasped in mock surprise, "Oh, look! Here he is!"

Her curse continued to remain evident. His eyes were dull and his lips were frosted blue. He ignored the Guardians and knelt beside Snow. She put her hand on his head, like a human would do with a loyal dog, and began to pet him as such.

"You cursed him!" Toothiana hissed, her hands shooting over her mouth as if to catch her gasp. Exclamation points and other angry symbols appeared over the Sandman's head and North's grip tightened on his swords.

"Yaw are a fool to cross a Guardian," Bunnymund growled threateningly. He withdrew his dangerous boomerangs from his belt and he murmured, "I don't care what yaw mean to the frosty fool. Yaw are scrambled eggs."

Bunnymund lunged toward her and Jack reacted immediately. There was a loud, echoing thunk when Jack deflected Bunnymund's attack and pushed him back. Bunnymund had only a second to look shocked before Jack hit him with a frost blast, throwing Bunnymund several feet back past the other Guardians.

Jack moved himself in front of Snow. He impassively pointed his staff at the other Guardians and waited for another attack.

"Jack..." Toothiana whispered. She exchanged fearful glances with the other Guardians then all their eyes returned to Snow. All their gazes hardened almost at once and Snow made sure to smirk to irk them further. If she could feel joy she probably would be feeling it now. Yet all she felt was empty and spiteful.

"Let him go," North commanded of Snow and she hollowly laughed in response.

"I am never going to give him up," she stated with a haughty smile.

"Your Majesty," Toothiana said gently. She floated in front of North and clasped her hands in front of her chest. Jack pointed his staff at Toothiana as she drew closer. Her deep purple eyes flickered from her to Jack then back to Snow again. Her gaze bored into Snow's as she stated, "Do you still have your tooth box?"

"My tooth box?" She implored. She only replied because the Guardian had used her royal title.

"Jack brought your tooth box with him so you can regain your human memories," Toothiana stated.

Snow raised a single brow and stated, "I already have my human memories."

"The tooth box will prove otherwise...Your Majesty," Toothiana said.

Snow glared at the fairy but she did not retort because she suddenly remembered the golden cylinder Jack had mentioned he had brought with him. Snow crossed her arms over her chest and said, "Let's say, hypothetically, I believe you...Is this tooth box a long, golden container?"

"Yes," Toothiana nodded excitedly. "It contains your baby teeth and memoires!"

"It is gone," Snow stated harshly. Tootiana's smile melted off her face and Snow said, "I never had the chance to open it so your plan to destroy me with your 'tooth box' won't work."

"That was never our-," Toothiana tried to explain.

"Enough!" Snow snapped. "Jack! Get these Guardians off my land and out of sight from my castle within the next hour!" She spun around, snapping her cloak as she did, and made her way back to the castle. Behind her Jack silently attacked his friends.

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