10 - The Bogeyman

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"Jack!" She screamed and began running. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she raced towards... Wherever Jack was. "Jack! Jack!!"

"Finally I thought you'd never get here," a voice said. It was the same voice that had led her to Jack.

"Please! Let him go!" Elsa cried. She was so scared. Her best friend couldn't die. He just couldn't!

"Now, now, we must have patience, my dear," the voice said and Elsa felt a fingernail scrape across her cheek. "You are filled with fear. There is so much of it, it's almost unbearable. I love it."

"I told you I'd do whatever you want! Just let him go, please!"

"But, you see, my dear, I don't think you'll like the consequences of this promise you've made me..."

"Just tell me what it is you want!" she screamed.

"Alright... I want you to stay with me... forever."

A light came on suddenly, nearly blinding Elsa, and the man emerged from the shadows. He was tall and every inch of him was colored in a variation of black. His skin was grey and when he smiled, he revealed rows of pointed teeth. He wore a long, black robe and his hair was spiked backwards.

"Wh-who are you?"

"I... Am the Nightmare King."

Winter Love ~ A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now