16 - The Boy in the Blue Sweater

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The blast sent him crashing trough one of the walls, causing him to get a gash across his forehead, the blood flowing into his eyes.

She glared at the unconscious man. "Fool," she whispered, using her magic to bind his hands and feet. She then lifted him up -- he was heavier than he looked -- and put him in her closet.

It couldn't be true... Pitch didn't take her memories... Did he?

She shook her head furiously. No. He was trying to deceive you. Pitch is the only one who cares about you.

She couldn't believe she had almost fallen for his tricks. She kicked the door of her closet closed, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape.

I'll tell Pitch what happened as soon as he gets back, she told herself.

* * * *

To the Queen's surprise, Pitch came back that night. She greeted him with a smile, opening her arms for a hug. Pitch brushed past her, ignoring her silent asking for affection, a stressed look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked, dropping her arms and quickly following after him.

Pitch was silent for a moment before he spun around sharply, pinning the Queen to the wall in a flash.

Elsa's heart thumped in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins, a familiar feeling of dread settling in her stomach.

What was wrong with her? Pitch wouldn't do anything to hurt her! He loved her and she knew it, so why was she so afraid?

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" he whispered darkly in her ear, sending shivers running up her spine in fear.

"Well..." Just as the words were about to tumble out of her mouth, she stopped herself. Why? She didn't know. But she did know that she couldn't tell him. "No. There's nothing," she replied coolly, courage rising within her as she pushed him off of her and strode to her room, closing the door behind her.

Why didn't you tell him? She asked herself.

Instead of answering the question that floated through her mind, she silently crept over to the closet, opening it and peering inside hesitantly. The boy way lying on the floor, hands and feet bound, and still unconscious. She looked at his face, studying it. There was something so painfully familiar about that face... But she couldn't put her finger on why it was so familiar. If she could just...

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

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