14 - False Memories

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The memories came rushing back to her, filling her mind like water filling a glass.

She remembered being human, and she remembered being in love. She had loved the boy with all her heart, but he loved someone else. He had loved her sister. She had tried to be happy for them, but she couldn't. She wanted him for her own.

One day, she went to him, deep in the dead of night. She found him sleeping soundly in his bed as she crept towards him. She had hovered above him and watched his beautiful face, feeling her heart racing, knowing exactly what she was going to do.

Before she could change her mind, she leaned down and pressed her lips to his, feeling the ice from deep inside of her flow from her lips to his as it traveled through his veins, encompassing his heart and mind. His lips turned blue and cold beneath hers as the magic of her kiss put a powerful spell on him.

When she finally pulled away, the boy looked at her with emotionless eyes. He spoke to her, called her his queen, and asked her what she commanded of him. She commanded him to tell her her loved her. He did.

When her sister found out, she was heartbroken. She cried and begged her to fix him. But Elsa refused. Her sister was filled with pain and sadness and anger towards her sister. She told the kingdom of what Elsa had done, and Elsa was furious. Her rage overpowered her, and it only grew when she watched as her sister broke the spell with true love's kiss. Her rage turned into hatred and she took the boy her sister loved and killed him right before her very eyes. Soon after, her sister took her own life out of sadness and longing for her beloved.

The story spread throughout the land until it was known as the Legend of the Snow Queen. It was a story that parents would tell their children to scare them into behaving. The people of the kingdom drove Elsa out until she was isolated and alone.

It was alone on a mountain top that she encountered Pitch. Pitch was misunderstood, just as she was, and she quickly fell in love with him. He took her far away from the people who threatened to hurt her and kept her safe.

One night, Elsa came down with a fever. Pitch could do nothing to save her, and he was devastated. She died that night, but Pitch knew that she would be reborn as an immortal. He waited with her until she awoke, hundreds of years later.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm really excited that you guys like my story. This chapter was basically the memories that Pitch was giving to her. Also, I don't know if this is the actual story of the Snow Queen, but its what I'm putting so... Okay.

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