15 - The Snow Queen

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A month had passed and the Queen had gotten used to her life with Pitch.

Pitch had left the day before -- he did that sometimes, he would leave and spread nightmares -- he told her that he was punishing the people who hurt her.

She wandered around the castle, randomly picking up objects and destroying them with her powers. It made her feel better to destroy things while Pitch was away. It took her mind off of him.


The Queen spun around upon hearing the crash sound behind her. "Who's there?" she called out, positioning her hands to blast at the intruder.

A man in a dark blue sweater with icy white hair emerged from around the corner, walking towards her, his blue eyes piercing through her.

"Elsa?" he the man whispered, looking her up and down hesitantly.

Elsa! She looked behind her, hearing a small child's voice call out the foreign name. Elsa!

"Elsa, is... Is that you?" he whispered, stepping forward.

She tensed up, brushing the bodiless voice away, preparing to fire an ice blast. "Who are you?" she growled.

"Elsa, it's me... Jack Frost," he said, looking at her with gentle eyes.

"Stop calling me that!" the queen snarled, blasting at him, sending him flying across the room and crashing into the armoire.

Jack wheezed, grabbing at his chest where she had struck him. He recovered quickly and stood up, looking at her again.

"Elsa, listen to me," he said, rushing towards her and grabbing her hands. "You don't remember me because Pitch took your memories!"

She fired her most powerful blast at him then.

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