23 - The Toothbox

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"Stop, please!"

"We don't want to hurt you!"

Jack ignored their pleas and the Guardians eventually retreated. Snow was back on her balcony and Jack was at her side within ten minutes. He wordlessly kneeled beside her and waited for his next command.

Snow had been overlooking her bleak landscape. Her eyes studied small details: a jutting cliff, a swirl of snow on a gust of wind, and a small number of rocks that ranged in color from white to black. Though her eyes studied the horizon, her mind was elsewhere.

Facts were not adding up and she could no longer trust her husband. She had to take things into her own hands...with Jack's help of course.

Snow glanced down at Jack. She could not see his face. The top of his head was covered in a layer of frost and Snow ran her fingers through it and it crumbled under her touch. He leaned into her touch and a smile tugged at her lips. That same fraction of a smile turned to a frown in milliseconds. Why did she smile? There was no one to mock...

"Jack," she whispered.

Jack stood and said, "Yes, my Queen?"

Her hand stayed connected to his head but had moved from the top of his head to the side of his face as he became level with her. Her fingertips on his cheek felt strangely familiar...then, in the back of her mind, she heard Jack's voice as he moaned, "Elsa..."

She flinched and pulled her hand away her hand with a sharp hiss. Jack's lips did not move but she had clearly heard him. She demanded, "What was that?!"

"My Queen?" Jack murmured, not understanding.

"Did you hear the voice? Did-Did you say Elsa?" She demanded even though her eyes had never left him and he had not opened his mouth.

"No, I'm sorry, Your Majesty," Jack replied.

He peered at her with his dead eyes and whatever outlandish sentiments she was feeling died with the emptiness of his gaze. She sighed and her eyes returned to the bleak horizon. She had to understand this magic before it started having undesirable effects on her.

"I want you to get the golden cylinder from Pitch without his knowing and bring it straight to me," she stated. With these words she knew as soon as Pitch discovered her duplicity there would be trouble but she did not care.

* * *

It took Jack over a week to get the cylinder. In the meantime, Snow and her husband stayed on their own sides of the castle. Pitch was back to scheming up new plans. He deemed Jack useless since the Guardians now knew he was under their control. He blamed Snow, for bringing Jack out when she could have fought them herself.

Snow was sitting in her bedroom chambers, a room that overlooked the vast landscape of her domain. She sat on an ice lounge, peering at the unchanging landscape. Jack Frost caught her eye as he silently walked into the room with the golden cylinder in hand.

"Stop," she commanded and Jack instantly came to a stop in the middle of the room. Snow slowly pushed herself up and cautiously circled Jack as she closed in on him and the cylinder. Never taking her eyes off the container, she asked, "Is it affecting you in anyway? Do you feel any unusual warmth? Are you hearing voices? Anything?"

"No, Your Majesty," Jack replied.

"Open it," she commanded and he did.

A/N: Please comment on this chapter! I need to know what all of you think! ;)

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