3 - The Coronation

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"Sem hon heldr inum helgum eignum ok krýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr...Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!" The crowd repeated. Elsa quickly dropped the orb and scepter as soon as the priest finished. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. She did it.

Beside her, she noticed Anna fidgeting, trying to look busy. She smiled, in high spirits because of her success that evening.

"You look beautiful," she said, and Anna jumped.

"Well, you look beautifuller!" She paused. "I mean...you don't look fuller...more beautiful!"

Elsa giggled and replied, "Thank you."

A man--one of the castle workers--came up and announced a short, measly looking man. The Duke of Wesselton, he was called, but the man mispronounced it, causing the duke to angrily snap a correction at him.

"May I have this dance, Your Majesty?" He asked. "You'll find I'm quite good." The man then did a quick dance, ending with a bow that caused his toupée to flip over.

The girls giggled, and Elsa said, "Oh, I don't dance...but my sister does!"

Before Anna realised what was happening, she was whisked onto the floor with the duke as he danced around her like a madman. Elsa giggled, then turned her attention elsewhere.

It had been so long since she had felt this free and happy! She had vague memories of...someone...comforting her when she was scared, but she couldn't, for the life of her, put a name to the blurry memory.

But she was truly enjoying herself for once. I wish it could be like this all the time.

But she knew it couldn't. It was to dangerous. She was already pushing her luck with this as it was.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something shimmering. She turned and looked, only to see that nothing was there.upon looking closer, however, she noticed some snowflakes. Wait, snowflakes?

"Excuse me," she said to no one in particular, and headed down the hallway to where she saw them. Sure enough, they were snowflakes, but not her snowflakes.

Looking left and right, she headed forward, looking for the source.

"Hello?" she whisper-called. No response. Suddenly, a bunny made of snow leaped to life out of thin air. It was amazing, and definitely not naturally occurring.

She stared in awe as the bunny hopped circles around her before landing by her feet and disappearing. Who was doing this?

Panicked voices were coming from the throne room. They were asking where the queen was. Whatever the magical bunny was, it would have to wait.


A/N: so how are you guys liking the story? It's been really fun to write! Let me know what you think and I'll update soon! Oh, and by the way, the first line of this chapter is actually what the priest says when coronating Elsa. I looked it up! It literally translates into "As she holds the holy properties, and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you... Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

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