Special Feature - What Happened to Jack After Elsa's Death?

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So, I'm still on a pretty awful writer's block, but I had this idea for what happened to Jack during the 300 years that Elsa was dead. It's not an official chapter, so we'll just call it a special feature. It's not mandatory to read, so you don't have to if you don't want to. Hope you enjoy it!

"It's about time," a voice that Jack recognized as Bunnymund's came out. Jack immediately tried to sit up, only to have pain shooting up his sides and chest. He groaned in pain, stopping his futile attempts.

"You've been out for 3 months," North said, his eyes full of genuine concern. "You were outside the factory, bleeding and half-dead. What happened, Jack?"

"Pitch..." he began, before remembering Elsa. Everything else faded away as he realized what had happened. Elsa had traded her life for his. The girl who had began feeling more like a sister, but over time had become something much more. He had come to love her.

And she had given herself up to Pitch in order to save him.

Whenever he closed his eyes Elsa's ice blue eyes stared back.

He forcibly pushed the pain away. He was a Guardian and he had to face Pitch Black, the Boogeyman and the Nightmare King.

"We'll have a plate of fresh baked cookies and milk, yes?" North asked. To North, everything was made better with milk and cookies.

North was a huge man, stronger than a yeti, and had arms covered in tattoos. He was the leader of the Guardians and merciless in a fight, so much so that Jack would never dare to face him. Yet, he was a child at heart. He loved toys, his milk and cookies, and he loved to laugh loud and joyfully.

"Milk and cookies sound good," Jack whispered. He clenched his fist tightly, a nervous habit that he always had but just realized.

"Milk and cookies!" North commanded a gaggle of elves. They all jumped at his command but ran in different directions and a few ran into one another before moving on.

Jack would have laughed if his heart did not feel like it weighed thousands of pounds.

Memories of his time with Elsa filtered through his mind. His heart ached as he realized she was most likely dead.

"About time," North grumbled as a few elves came in carrying a platter of cookies that was larger than all of them. They were quickly followed by an elf carrying a pitcher as large as him and another elf carrying two empty glasses.

North relieved the elves of their burdens and placed them upon the table next to Jack. He had to push back designs and half-made toys off the table but he managed not to knock anything off.

"Off with you," North said, waving the scurrying elves away. After a few seconds of confusion, the elves ran off. North sighed heavily then sat next to Jack on the bench he was laying on. He poured milk into both glasses then picked up one and drank deeply from it. Jack tentatively picked at a cookie but he never brought it up to his mouth.

"Do you know what happened to Elsa?" North asked him suddenly.

Jack peered at his fellow Guardian in confusion then it dawned on him.

Something terrible must have happened to Elsa when she made the trade. North was going to try to break it to him gently. He knew it was true. He could tell by the way North would not meet his eyes, the hunch to his shoulders, and the solemn look upon his face.

"No," Jack whispered, afraid to raise his voice.

North sighed heavily and ran his fingers over the rim of his glass. He mumbled, "There are two ways for a human to become a spirit...The first way is to be chosen by an extremely powerful spirit, like in your case with the Man in Moon...Or the second, like in my case, to become a legend, myth, or a folk tale – that renown – that belief made me a spirit..."

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