Chapter 7- Starbucks

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"I'll text you later.", I told Nick. He put his hands back in his pocket and smiled. "Sure. I'd like that." His face blushed. I looked down. He walked down the street back to his house. I closed the door and leaned against the wall.

"Mia?", my mom shouted.
"Mom you scared me!"
"Nick is kinda cute. Don't you think?", she asked me. "Mom! He's just my friend. Nothing else." "Oh Mia. Don't be silly! I saw the way that boy was looking you the whole time! It's obvious he likes you!", she shouted. I walked to my room. "Nick doesn't like me mom!", I screamed.

I threw myself on my bed. I looked at what we researched.China, the place in the world where there's ninjas. I smiled when I read that part. Nick typed that. Time went by and soon it was time to go to bed. I put my phone under my pillow and waited for my mom.

"Go to sleep now ok? And dream about Nick!", my mom said. I rolled my eyes. My mom left my room. I waited two minutes then I took out my phone and texted nick.

*Are you a late night texter?
*Oh yea! Imma rebel😈
*😂You're funny. So about the ninjas...
*Haha😂Yea. I like ninjas. So about tomorrow...
*What about tomorrow?
*Insidious 3 came out last week. Wanna go watch it?
*Only you and me?
*Well yea.
*😌Ok. I like scary movies. They're bae🙌🏽
*🙏🏼worship scary movies
*hahaha. Goodnight nick
* goodnight mia


I put on my red converse and jumped into the kitchen. "Well you sure are happy today!", my mom screamed. I smiled. And ran out. I texted Ariana.

*I might be a little late to school today.
*For some reason. Tell Mrs.Dilem that I'll still be there.
*Ok... And did you and Nick like kiss?
*What? Heck no! I don't even like him and he doesn't like me!
*Yea. Keep telling yourself that.

I laughed and stopped by nick's house. He walked out of his house and froze when he saw me.

He blushed. "Hey!", I said. Nick looked down at my shoes. I looked down also. They were red, just like his.... "Nick. You wanna go to Starbucks?"He looked at me and had a little smirk on his face. "Sure."

We walked to Starbucks silently. I kept looking over at Nick. His face was red the whole time. "Are you ok Nick?", I asked him as we walked inside Starbucks. We sat down. He looked at me and said,"Did I ever tell you that I like your smile?" I blushed. "Uh no. You haven't. Thanks for noticing though!", I said smiling.

His eyes looks directly at mine. I felt like I was melting on the inside but on the outside I was as stiff as a board. I tried hard not to say anything.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
He smirked. "I have no idea. Sorry."
I turned to the side and smiled. The waiter came with our drinks and we left to school. "

We're Rebels aren't we?", he said. "Oh Yaaa!", I screamed. "School started like 10 minutes ago. We are gonna get in trouble.", he said. I took a sip out if my drink. "Nah, I told Ariana to tell Mrs.delim that we would be late.", I said.
"Oh, ok."

"So Nick, have you ever had a girlfriend?", I asked him looking up. He sighed,"No. I've had pretend girlfriends like from movies and shows but not a real one." "Oh. Cool. You must be lucky getting to kiss those really pretty girls I guess.", I said.

He looked down,"No not really. It's an honour but I don't really feel like it's cool. It's not a real kiss anyway."
"Well, at least it's worth it, right?", I asked him taking a step into the school floor.

"Not really, it would be worth it if it were with a girl who truly did love me. Not fake actor girls who are just doing it to get paid."
Wow, nick's feelings sure are strong for this.

Hello World!
Tell me this is sounding good so far! Cause I really hope it is😌 the thing is that I've been typing this fan fiction for a while but in my notes. It took me a while to finally get a watt pad and share it with you guys. I'm in chapter 50 I think? I still type it and just copy and paste on to here. But thank you for all the reads!


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