Chapter 28-Surprise!

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We walked off the plane and at a place to pick up our luggage. My phone began to ring.

*Hey Mia.
*Nick! Oh I'm so glad you called me! We just got off the plane. We're getting our luggage.
*Thats cool Mia. Um, I think you should look a little to your left.

I looked up and turned around. Oh my lord. I dropped my phone and ran. "Nick!", I screamed. I jumped into his arms and hugged him like if I haven't seen him in forever! "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I bought last minute tickets to Mexico so I could be with you!", he shouted. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I can't wait till you meet my family!"

"Mia?" I turned around and saw my dad. "Oh, dad. This is nick. Nick this is my dad.", I said calmly. My dad walked up to nick. He looked up cause nick was so dang tall. "Nice to meet you nick!", he said holding out his hand. Nicks eyes widened. He must've been surprised by how my dad took it so well. "Um, nice to meet you too! I bought tickets to go to Mexico with you guys!", nick said holding his hand out also. They shook hands and we stood there in silence.

"Flight A47, to Mexico now boarding first class."

We got in line. This was our last flight until we got to Mexico. We walked to our steats and sat down. Nick got a seat behind us and my dad and I sat in front of him. My phone rang. It was nick. Why the heck was he texting me if he was right behind me?
*I guess we could text this whole trip? Cause like I'm kinda scared to like be that close to you right now.
*Awe, why?
*Cause of your dad.
*Oh my goodness! He's not gonna do anything! I promise!

"Everyone turn off your phones, we will now be going on liftoff." I put my phone away and closed my eyes.


I felt someone kicking my back. I opened my eyes and looked back.

"Nick! Stop doing that!", I shouted. He smiled. "I'm glad you're awake." "Haha, very funny", I said sarcastically. My dad looked at me.

"Nick and I were talking the entire trip! We're almost there! Maybe a few more minutes."

I sat back down. Wow, did they really talk for two whole hours? Ha, nick and my dad are really hitting it off.
The plane landed and we got off. There was a group of teenage girls getting off the plane. They all began to Blush and point at nick. Nick's hand went into mine and we began to walk a little faster.

My dad led us to a room where we had to fill out papers in order to go into Mexico. We each filled out our papers and we went to go get our luggage.

"There's mine.", I said walking to garb mine. I tried to pick it up but it fell back down. "Let me help you.", nick said grabbing it and putting it up right.

We took the luggage and walked to a luggage check station. In front of that station was a big door that would open and close so you could see the people at the other side.

"Oh! There's my grandma!", I shouted and waved my hand. I soon caught eye with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. My other family members must be at home. The door closed really fast. We grabbed our luggage and walked to the exit.

"I can't wait till you meet my family!", I shouted to nick. "Yea, I hope I'm a good impression on them.", he smirked.

The door opened and we walked to them.

"Mia! It's been so long!", my aunt said hugging me. "Hey Aunt Maria.", I said waving. Everyone jumbled around me, I felt so loved! I looked at nick. His face a red. It looked like he was clueless. I grabbed his hand and told my family,"Everyone! This is nick Robinson, my boyfriend."

"He is so adorable!", my grandma said. He smiled a little. I didn't know how to cheer him up. I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. He looked at me and smiled,"I'm glad I came."

Hey guys!
Here is the chapter to make up for the last one. This one is a little better. Right? Well, hope you guys have an amazing day! I'm gonna go to practice.

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