Chapter 30-drunk

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I got out of the pool to look for Mateo and Nick. This pool is so long! It'll take forever to find them! I crossed a bridge and walked over to a bar. I found them sitting at a bar talking. Nick turned around. "Oh hey Mia, what's up?!", he shouted. His face looked red. He must be drunk. I looked at Mateo. "How much have you given him to drink?"
He looked down.

Maybe three or four.", he whispered.
"What?! It's his first time! You can't give him that much!", I shouted at him.
Nick grabbed my arm and pulled me closer.

"Mia! I'm perfectly fine!"
He got of the chair and almost fell. I grabbed his arm and supported him up.

"Mateo, I need to talk to you.", I said.
I set nick down on a chair and Mateo and I walked to a chair. We sat down and began to talk. "Um so, I've noticed how much you're protecting me from nick."

"Mia, I don't want you to date yet! I don't want you to get hurt.", he said putting a hand on my knee.
"I'm 20 years old Mateo, I think I can handle it. And besides, what we have will never be replaced."
"What are you talking about?", he asked.
"Rosa reminded me how much I used to follow you when we were younger. We would always play together cause we are the youngest of the family. I always wanted to be near you. I guess I've been so into Nick these days that I've kinda forgotten the days that I would be with you."
He looked down and didn't talk for about two minutes.
"Mia, I remember all of that. Those are the reasons why I don't want you to go out with Nick. He's an actor and actors usually become even more and more famous the older they get. If nick gets more famous, his personality is gonna change.", he said.
I put my arm around his neck.

"Don't worry. I'll always be your baby cousin no matter what happens.", I whispered. He looked at me and smiled.

I hugged him and stood up.
"Now let's go check on Nick. Maybe he's about to throw up or something.", I said.

We walked to the bar and found nicks head laying on the counter sleeping. Mateo helped me carry him to our room.

"Oh my goodness, why does he have to be so tall!", Mateo shouted. I smiled,"I like that about him." We opened the room and walked in. I dragged Nick onto the bed and sat next to him. I shook his arm.

"Nick, nick."

He looked up to me.
"Oh hi."
"You got drunk you little jerk!", I shouted hitting his shoulder laughing.
"Sorry, Mateo said four wouldn't get me drunk.", he whispered.
I looked at Mateo.
"What did I just hear?"
"Haha, I'm gonna go to my room now.", he said walking to the other room. Nick sat up on the bed and looked at me. I scooted closer to him.
"So you wanna go to a club tonight?", I asked him.

"Sure. And besides I promise I won't get drunk cause that could affect my career."
I kissed his cheek.

"Good boy.", I laughed.
"Now if anyone gets near you cause they're drunk, I'm gonna pound them! No one is gonna get near you!", he said angrily. I laughed.

"Oh Nick You're funny." I laid my head on his chest.

~Nick POV:~

I hope these weeks are cool. Besides, I wanna spend a lot of time with Mia before I leave.

Hey guys!
I know Rosa isn't in this chapter but I wanted to let you guys know that she is played by Selena Gomez☺️I truly adore Selena Gomez and she looks like a Rosa to me.

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