Chapter 23-Mexico & Trent

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I woke up in the morning in silence. I got dressed and rode my bike to school. "Mia!" I turned around and saw Ariana coming towards me. "What's wrong?", she asked me. I sniffled.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

She hugged me. "Mia, you're my best friend. I can tell you that you aren't ok.", she said. I sighed. "Nick and I had an argument last night. We haven't talked since then." She gasped.

"I'm so sorry! I'm here for you girl. Every step of the way." I smiled. "Thanks." The bell rang and we walked to class.

Ariana sat down but I stayed standing up. I looked at Nick. He was sitting at his desk with his head in his arms. I slowly walked to my desk and sat down.

"Good morning class!", Mrs.Dilem told us,"I hope you guys finished your projects! So the people who are presenting first are....Mia and Nick!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. Nick looked up and gave me a mad look.

"Well, come on you two!", Mrs.Dilem shouted. We got up and walked to the front of the class. I showed the class my ninja costume and Nick showed them his. I read from our essay while Nick had his arms crossed and didn't do anything to help. I gave him a quick look. He frowned and looked away. My eyes began to water.

"Let me read now.", Nick said grabbing the paper out of my hands. He began to read and I scooted a little far away from him. Mrs.Dilem pushed me more closer to Nick. We finished and pushed eachother to our seats.


I put my books away and carried my backpack out of class. I took out my phone but didn't notice where I was walking. I knocked into someone and that made me drop my backpack and phone. I looked up and saw a tall good looking guy smiling down at me.

"Nick? Sorry...", I said as I picked up my stuff.

"Listen Mia, I'm sorry for what happened last night. I do get jealous. And it was really stupid to get jealous at a 13 year old.", he said. I smiled. "It's fine. I'm sorry too." He leaned in and kissed me.

"I guess we're good then?" He giggled. "Totally." He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Mia! What are you doing with him!?"

We looked to our side and saw Tara standing there with anger in her eyes. I got closer to Nick. "Are you", she asked. I smiled.

"Yep! Tara, please stop bothering us. I don't know why you have so much hate!", I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Nick and I are meant for eachother! Not you! You're just a soccer freak who doesn't have style!", she shouted. "Tara! Please! Mia isn't a freak! She's beautiful, and kind, and really cool. She gets me.", Nick said. I looked at him.

"Oh my!", she screamed as she ran away. Nick and I laughed and walked home.


Oh my. I'm so glad Nick and I got back together. I don't know why I would do without having him around. I went into the pantry and grabbed some Pringles. My hand opened it and grabbed a couple. I stuffed them into my mouth and I sat down.

Nick came downstairs and into his kitchen and smiled. "Good morning Mia. I didn't know you would be here.", he said hugging me. I froze as soon as I saw what he was wearing. It was a black SnapBack and a red buttoned shirt.

"You look...hooot.", He laughed.

"Mia, you're so funny."

"Well, you're better.", I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. I looked into his shiny brown eyes. "You're eyes are beautiful.", he whispered. I blushed and kissed him. He bit my lip and I backed away.

"You weirdo!", I laughed.

He blushed. "Sorry..."

"Um I've been meaning to tell you something. It's about Mexico." "What's wrong with Mexico?", he asked worried. "There's nothing wrong with Mexico! It's just that, I'm leaving to Mexico on Friday for....two weeks.", my lips blurted out.

He frowned. "But I can't see you from Mexico! You'll be so far away!", he cried. I hugged him. "It's ok Nick. I'll be back as soon as you know it!" He grabbed my cheek and kissed me. "No", he kissed me,"Don't", he kissed me,"leave me.", he kissed me. I looked down.

"But well enjoy these last few days together. I promise.", I said. " mean. You're ready for it?!", he said happily. I smiled. "Nick, no. I meant about something else. Not that." He laughed.

"So can we text when you're in Mexico? Or do you have to pay?", he asked me. "Well, if I'm connected to wifi, we can do all. But if there's no wifi, there's no way my dad is gonna let me text or call." Nick paused me for a second.

"Wait! Your dad?", he asked questioned,"You have a dad?" I looked down. " parents got divorced when I was 8. I've spent most of my life with my mom. But,I see my dad once in a while. He's taking me to Mexico.", I said quietly,"My dad is different than other dads."

"Wow. I did not know that. But to tell you the truth, my mom left me with my dad when I was 4. I've never really met her. My mom remarried and had four kids."

"So they're your half siblings?", I asked. "Yea. But I've never met them. So it's just my dad and me living life!", he looked devastated.

I hugged him. "I'm sorry." We walked to his room and closed the door. He sat on his desk chair and I sat in his bed. I rubbed my face and sighed. "I can't believe I won't see you.", I cried.

We heard banging on his window. He got up and opened his curtain. "Oh shit!", I screamed falling off his bed. He closed the curtain and hid behind the wall. "Was that Trent on my window?", he whispered. I crawled next to him.


He slowly got up and opened his curtain. "He's gone." I got up and looked out his window. "What the hell! Where'd he go!", I shouted.

"Looking for me?", someone screamed at us from behind.

We turned around. "Trent!", Nick screamed,"How did you find my house?" Trent slowly walked across the room and swayed his hand on the wall.

"I know everything Nick. You're just not that smart.", he said chuckling. "What do you want now?", I asked. I got closer to Nick. My back almost pressed against his chest.

"Oh Mia. Sweet, sweet, Mia. I want you." I backed up. Nick put his arm in front of me. "Go away Trent." "No! Not until I get what I want!", Trent shouted. I swallowed hard.

Trent quickly grabbed nick's lamp and threw it at him. He ducked and got back up. I ran and hid behind his bed. "Give me Mia!", Trent screamed. Nick went up to him and punched his face. "Go away!" Trent looked at Nick.

"You think you're strong huh?" Nick backed up. He grabbed his stool and threw it at Trent. It hit his forehead and he fell to the ground. "Mia! Come on!", Nick screamed. He grabbed my hand and we ran downstairs. He pushed the door open and we ran to my house.


I locked the door and slid into the ground. I leaned my legs in and covered my face. Nick came and sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry Nick! I'm sorry that I got you involved into my Trent problems! I don't want you to get hurt!", I shouted crying. He put his arm around me. "Sshh,sshh, Mia. It's ok. I love you." I kissed him quickly and leaned my head on his shoulder. We sat on the ground for a while.

"I'm sorry Nick..."

Hey guys!
I really love how he does everything possible to protect Mia! Nia is the best non real couple I've ever know about. Maybe also with Meymar but that's another fanfiction with Neymar.

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