Chapter 18-Trent Again

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I woke up in the morning with a note stuck to my head. I took it off and read it.

Mia, I came back to check on you and Nick. I had to leave with your brother because he needed me to look at a few papers for school and I had to talk with a worker from the school. Nick carried you to your room last night. Love you!, MOM

I put the note aside and sat on the edge of my bed. Ugh! My stomach hurt. Must be the popcorn from last night. I got up and grabbed my phone.

Hey Nick☺️
*You're awake ma'lady?😘
*😂Dude, I love you so freaking much. Haha, you wanna come over? My mom had to go with my brother.
*😏oh yaaaa.
*We aren't....never mind.
Okay. See in a few minutes babe😘

I walked down stairs and took out some cereal.

I got up and hurried to the door. I opened it thinking it would be Nick but to my surprise. It was Trent. "Uh, hey Trent. What are you doing here?!", I asked him. He walked in and shut the door.

"Mia, I need to talk to you.", he said grabbing my arm. I remembered what my mom had said. I tried to pull away from him but he was too strong!

"Trent! Let go! What are you doing!", I screamed at him.

He pulled me into my room and shut the door.

"Nick isn't good for you!", he screamed. "And why is that!", I screamed pushing him. He grabbed me and held on. "He's an actor, you play soccer. You belong with me!"

"Well you cheater! I caught you and Cheryl making out!Why would you want me back?!"

He sighed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a chair. He pushed me on it. I got up but he pushed me down again.

"Kiss me! And I will let you go!", he screamed. He tied my arms back behind the chair. "Never! I would never betray my boyfriend like you betrayed me!" He sat on my lap.

"Do it! Or else!" "Or else what!", i shouted. He rolled his eyes. His hand grabbed the back of my head. He pulled me head closer to his. I tried my best to pull my head back. My neck got tired. I pulled my lips into my mouth so he wouldn't kiss me.

~Nick POV~

I kept ringing the bell over and over again. I called Mia over ten times! Where is she! I looked through the window. I saw some shoes I've seen before. Trent! I tried to shove the door open. It wouldn't budge.

~Mia POV~

Trent's lips went around my mouth but they never touched mine. His tongue let my lips out and he kissed me. I pulled away but he kept kissing and kissing me.

I shouted,"Help!" But he kissed me so he cut me off.

~Nick POV~

I heard Mia scream. I followed the noise and it led me to the window of her room. Aye, I tried to scream back but that's never gonna work! I had no choice but began climbing the house wall. I grabbed onto the ledge of her window and stood onto it. I tried to open the window but it was lock. I looked for something that would help me open it. I grabbed a stick that was stuck on the wall. The stick helped a lot! It went through the crack of the window and cracked it open. I punched the screen of the window and jumped into her room. I saw Trent kissing Mia. He was going crazy!

He went down to her neck and up her cheek and ended at her mouth. "Nick!", she screamed at me. Trent looked at me. "Get away from her!", I screamed as I grabbed him and pushed him to the ground.

He kicked my shins while he sat on the floor. "Ow!", I screamed in pain

. Mia was tied to the chair. She stood up and hit the chair on the ground. Trent punched my face. I grabbed his arms and pulled them behind  him. I pulled one to the other side of the other. He tried kicking me but I kicked him in the back and he fell to the ground. I slapped him!

"Nick! Don't hurt him!", Mia screamed. "I have to keep him away from you!", I screamed. Trent grabbed me and pushed me towards Mia's desk. My head hit against the edge. I put my hand on my forehead and saw blood stained on my hand.

"Oh this just got real.", I whispered. I struggled to get up. Trent grabbed Mia's shirt and began to struggled to take it off. She screamed and wiggled down so he couldn't take it off. I grabbed the desk and pushed myself off. I stood up and went to Trent.

"Get away!" I screamed.

I pushed him away and stepped on his stomach. "Nick hurry and help me get out!", Mia screamed.

I untied her as she quickly got up and hugged me. "You're my hero!", she screamed as she kissed me uncontrollably. I looked down at Trent. He was laying there struggling to move. "Don't ever come back!", I screamed at him. He got up and ran down stairs to his car. I looked out the window as he drove off. Mia touched my head.

"You're bleeding. Come, I'll help you wash it off.", she said holding my hand. We walked into her bathroom and I sat down. She wet a cloth and began to pay it on my head.

"Nick. I don't know how to repay you! I'm so glad you came to save the day. I love you.", she said.

I smiled. "It was nothing. I will do anything to protect you. I will never let anyone hurt you." She blushed and looked down.

"You have the cut showing on your head. It looks hot!", she said laughing. I felt the cut. It was really big. I laughed. Mia hugged me. I looked at her and she looked at me. I smiled and kissed her.

"Mia, you wanna go work on our school project? Remember it's due in two days.", I said. She said,"Yea. If it weren't for this project, we wouldn't even have met."

Thank god we were assigned together.

Hey guys!
Trent has struck for the first time! Keep an eye on watch. He will do anything for Mia...

Well let's keep my mind off of that. How's this story? Is it getting good?! I really love it! I keep reading it myself even though I wrote it!

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