Chapter 32- Crocodile accident

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"Welcome to fish fritanga. Here are your menus." The Waiter handed us our menus. I looked over at Mia.
"So what are you gonna get?", I asked.
"Of course I'm gonna get fish!"
"Haha, order a big plate so I can get some too."

"Ow! I bwit my lwip!", Mateo screamed holding his lip.
"You see stupid, this is why we don't let you eat alone!", Mia teased,"Don't worry. I slept my lip earlier."
We all looked at her.
Uncle Diego pointed at her.
"So you slept your lip earlier?"
Mia shook her head.

"What the hell was I saying! I meant I bit my lip earlier!", she burst out in laughter. She laughed so hard that her chair began to tip back.

I held my grip on it but it was no use. She leaned back and the chair fell back with her in it!


The lagoon was right behind her. She froze and looked back.
"What the heck! Nick, help!"
I looked up at the lagoon and noticed a crocodile a few feet away from her.
I jumped to my feet and quickly grabbed her and picked her up before the crocodile could get to her. I swept her up bridal style and ran behind the table. Mateo and rosa got up.

"Mia! Are you ok? Did you fall in the lagoon?", rosa asked her.
Mia began choking.
"Hum, hum, I'm fine. Only my head was about to fall in the water. But what the hell was that crocodile doing there! That was scary!"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest.
"Thanks Nick!"
My lips kissed her forehead slowly.
There was a sudden loud scream. I looked up and saw the crocodile crawling out of the lagoon.

"Oh shit."

"Come one guys! Run!", Uncle Mike screamed showing us the way to the exit.

I let Mia and down and held her hand as we rushed out of the restaurant.
Aunt Maria hurried us into the car and closed the door.

"That was insane.", Mateo breathed out leaning back.

I held Mia in the middle of us. She was traumatised.
"It was cause of me.", she murmured under her breath. I looked at her.
"What do you mean?"
Her mouth was shaking.
"If I hadn't fallen in, none of this would've happened."

Rosa looked back at Mia from the passengers seat.
"Mia, it was an accident. It happens."
"No! I'm sorry guys! I'm such and asshole."

I lifted her chin up.

"Don't say that. What happened was an accident, everyone is gonna get over it. Just watch."
"But what if they don't?", she whispered.
"Of course they are. If they don't then they are some goddamn people!"
She giggled.

"Now come here and kiss me.", I whispered in her ear.
We leaned in and her soft lips were pressed against mine.
I smiled into the kiss and let go.
"You're such an idiot.", she whispered smiling.

~Mia POV~

Well that was the weirdest dinner of my life. We almost got attacked by a crocodile and Nick was even more romantic than ever. I kinda liked it.

"Get out of the car guys. We're at the hotel.", my dad said grabbing Mateo and pushing him out.
"Well that was nice.", Mateo sarcastically said to my dad.

We walked into the hotel down the hall and into the room.

"Mia, I found the schedule for beach soccer if you'd like to join.", my dad said facing me.
"That sounds cool."

"So who wants to go the the club with me tonight?", Mateo shouted running into our room. My dad of course got up and left to go to the club. Nick looked at me.

"I'm too tired."
"Me too. We'll stay here."
"Goodbye love birds. Don't have to much fun."

Mateo winked and closed the door.
I changed into my pyjamas and when I got out of the bathroom, nick was already asleep on the couch. What a weirdo. My feet jumped onto the bed and I pulled the covers over my body.

"Goodnight nick."

There was no response.
I giggled a little and closed my eyes.
"Can i, um..."
"Yes you can sleep with me.", I smirked. Nick jumped off the couch and jumped into the bed. "It's warm here. Not like the freezing cold couch I have to sleep on."

I turned to my side so I could face nick. My fingers traced a circle on his cheek. "You know nick, Mateo could kick your butt if he caught you sleeping with me."

"I'd rather get my ass kicked if it was worth sleeping with you."
"You're such a hottie.", I teased.
"Thanks, it runs in my blood.", he joked.

He wrapped his arms around me to where I felt as if I were trapped in a box. His smile killed me. My hands were on his chest and sooner than you would think, our lips were pressed against each other's.
I felt his hands slip down and grab my pants to pull them off.

"What's wrong?"
"What if we get caught?"
He quickly pulled off my pants.
"That's not gonna happen."
I pulled them up.
"How about, no."
He giggled like a little girl.
"Fine! Fine!"
I pushed my lips against his. My hands went up and down on his chest as his hands rubbed my hips.
"We should go to sleep.", his voice whispered in my ear.

"That's good."
I got off of him and smiled.

"Goodnight nick."

"Goodnight Mia."

Hey guys!
I have soccer opening day today. Hooray! Haha, I'm so excited and kinda nervous.

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