Chapter 41: I Love Him; I Love Him Not

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{ SOMEWHAT sexual content but barely. Just a warning but this is a pretty big chapter as well and you'll see why ;) }

I tie my hair up in a tight ponytail as the final touch to my little disguise. I borrowed one of Elise's uniforms so I could sneak into Forrest's room. It sounded simple enough and would have worked for any other girl.

But me.

Romeo told me it usually worked because the guards didn't recognize them and that the palace was always hiring new staff. Now that I was in the selection, nonetheless one of the final four, it was going to be harder to sneak by. Which was also why I would need Elise. She didn't only clean my room, but she was in charge of cleaning both the prince's rooms. This I never knew and I was greatly surprised by that fact as well. Elise was the perfect cover up considering she was there everyday. That's a lot less suspicious.

"I don't know why you're doing this," Elise says as we exit my room. "And I don't know how you dragged Romeo into this," She places her hands on a cart carrying all her cleaning supplies and begins to walk toward the elevator. "But this seemed important and I owed him. I respect Prince Harlan's and Prince Forrest's request to be alone so I probably wouldn't have done this if you asked me."

I nod and folds my hands in front of me as the doors to the elevator close and we head to the top floor. Where all the royals lived.

"I know Elise and I'm sorry you have to. But if it wasn't important I wouldn't have asked."

Elise nods and gives me a sad look. "I understand, but what I just don't get is why you nor Romeo aren't telling me what's going on."

"Would you believe me if I told you it was for your own safety?" I ask hopefully and Elise rolls her eyes.

"Oh, I believe you. But that decision isn't up to you. It doesn't matter anyway. So what's the plan? Are you hiding under the cart?"

I shake my head and laugh a little. "Of course not. That's silly. You're supposed to act like you're training me while I keep my head down. I'm good at going unnoticed."

Elise sighs loudly before glancing over at me. "Here we go, Cordelia. If you give anything away I'll be fired."

"I won't let that happen." I argue and Elise gives me a look like she doesn't believe me.

The elevator doors open and I'm met with a disturbing silence. I'm about to ask why it's so quiet when Elise answers for me as we exit the elevator.

"The doors and walls are soundproof up here. Sometimes the royals and visiting royals need their privacy." Elise scrunches up her nose a little and I'm pretty sure I was doing the same.

We begin to walk down the hall and a guard comes into focus. We freeze and I can sense the tense posture coming from Elise. He gives us one sweep while I pretend to organize something. He then quickly carries on.

"You are so lucky you're my friend," Elise whispers to me and I smile a little. Yes. Yes I was pretty lucky.

"This is how it's going to go," I whisper to her as we make our way down the silent halls. "We are going to walk around once and pretend we're cleaning Harlan's room together, but you're going to stay around that area so I can go to Forrest's alone."

Elise raises an eyebrow. "Are you two, like, doing it now-"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I sigh with a little frustration.

Elise doesn't answer me but the way she carries herself let's me know she understands what she has to do. Elise guides the way around the empty hallways and makes sure a few guards see us before we stop by Harlan's room.

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