3.6K 45 21

I woke up still holding the box. I saw Kate sitting the chair. She got up when she saw I was awake.

"Hey. I found the rest of the keys in the box." Kate said

I pulled out the instructions.

The rest of the keys are buried in the box. Insert them slowly with Candor then Abnegation. The box should lit up and so should your arm. Press the light in your arm and hold it for 2 seconds. The top of the box will open. Take what's inside and put it inside your boot. Don't let anyone see inside. The thing will attach itself to the sole of your boot. Then, press the button on the top of the box. It will destroy it. Protect yourself. David is after you.

"Go to breakfast. I'll meet you there." I said

After Kate left, I slowly inserted the keys. I pressed my arm. The box opened. I didn't even look at it. I put it in my shoe. I destroyed the box. I left Erudite and went back to Dauntless. I went to the dinning hall and looked for Tobias. Zeke caught my eye. He stood up. I walked over to him.

"Are you okay? Four is in your apartment. He didn't sleep last night." Zeke said

I went up to my apartment. Tobias was sitting on the bed. He ran over to me when he saw me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Tobias asked frantically

"I'm fine." I said

Max came in through the door.

"Tris, what did you do with the box?" Max asked

"Why?" I asked

I felt a sharp pain in my body. I cried out and fell to the ground.

"Someone has it. Max where did you hear that?" I said

"Kate just came and said it was gone. She said that she saw someone run here with it." Max said

"It's impossible." I said trying to get up

"I'm not lying."

"I said it's impossible because I destroyed it."

Another sharp, piercing pain went through me. I cried out. Tobias held onto me.

"Take me to Erudite." I said

"Tris," tobias said

"I need to get to Erudite. Max, order a mandatory search of every apartment, anywhere someone could be hiding it." I said.

I started running to Erudite, Tobias following close behind. When I got there, the woman at the desk stopped me. I knocked her out and ran to Caleb's apartment. The box was sitting on the bed. I opened it and took out all of the papers. I looked everywhere. There was a note on the desk. Another sharp pain.

"Tris!" Tobias yelled

He ran over to me. He looked at my arm. There was a cut. It was slowly bleeding out. What is this doing to me?

I read the note.

If you want the box back, you'll meet me in the square at midnight tonight. Come alone or I'll make sure you never see the box again.


M? The only person that knew about that box that has an M in their name is, Max.

"He lied to us." I said

"What? Who?" Tobias said

"Max. He has the box." I said

I ran out to the lobby of Erudite. Kate was standing there.

"Kate! Who took it?" I asked

"He was the other boy that knew about it. Max I think his name was?" Kate said

"Where did he go?" I asked

"He went to Dauntless." Kate said

We ran back to Dauntless. I grabbed a gun out of the training room and ran quietly. I heard Max's voice in the Pit. I went to the Pit and walked up behind Max. I put the gun to his head.

"Mandatory search is cancelled. Go back to your activities." I said

When everyone was cleared out, Zeke came up to us.

"What are you doing Tris?" Zeke asked

"You wouldn't understand. Just go back to your apartment. I'll explain everything later." I said

Zeke went away.

"What is this about?" Max asked

"You know what this is about. You lied to me." I said

"Tris, I have no idea-"

"Go to your apartment. Walk. Don't run or I'll shoot you."

"It's under my cot." Max said

I shot Max in the leg.

"Tris!" Tobias yelled

"Try again."

"Fine. It's in my office desk. Bottom right drawer. I can't open that stupid thing." Max said

I shot him in the other leg and ran to his office. I opened his drawer and grabbed the box. I put it in my jacket and ran back to Erudite. I pulled Kate into Caleb's apartment.

"I need as many people as I can to watch this thing destroy itself. Just don't do anything. Stay back until I say it's safe." I said

"Tris, don't do this." Tobias said

"I have to." I said

I walked over to the bed. I grabbed a sheet of paper labeled 'Destruction'. I read it.

This is for the destruction of the box. Do exactly what I say. Push in the symbols in this order, Dauntless-Erudite-Abnegation-Candor-Amity. When you hear the click, set the box on the bed and stand in front of it.

I pushed the symbols into the box in the order. I slowly set the box on the bed. There was a light coming from the box. The light got brighter and brighter.

"Get it if here!" I yelled

Kate dragged Tobias out of the apartment and slammed the door.  The tracker ripped itself out of my arm. I cried out. The box flew against me. It hit me in the chest. I hit the wall. I blacked out.

Tobias POV
I paced back and forth in the hallway outside Caleb's apartment. I heard a thud. I ran into the apartment. Tris was lying on the ground. There was a white circle on the ground next to her. I held her in my arms.

"Tris!" I yelled

She was unconscious. I tried to wake her but she wouldn't wake up.

"KATE!" I yelled

She came into the apartment.

"We need to get her to the infirmary." She said

We ran to the infirmary. Kate argued with a nurse to let get Tris a bed. I was about to set her down when her eyes started to flutter.

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