Chapter Seven: Just a Friend Thing?

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The week goes by fast and finally it's the weekend. We just left dinner as I say goodbye to Lizzi and Nikki, since they have to go to the library, and start walking back to the dorm with Mason.

    "So are you going to the dance tomorrow?", Mason asks.


"Yeah the school throws a dance at the beginning of every year. You wanna come?"


   "Great. It's a date.", he says with a smirk growing on his face.

   My face heats up and I look down trying to hide it with my hair. Unsuccessfully I should add. He chuckles only making me blush more. I pick up the pace and finally reach our room.

As soon as I open the door I run to my bed and jump on top like a child. I rap myself in the fuzzy blanket I had placed there the night before. Mason walks in and laughs at the sight of me.

I should mention the blanket was a gift to me when I was seven, so of course it was pink, covered in unicorns, and overly bedazzled.

   As he walks to his bed Lizzi and Nikki come running in nearly knocking him over.

   "Shopping emergency!", they yell in unison.

   "What? Why?"

   "Dance tomorrow! Need clothes! New clothes! Get up!", Lizzi shouts yanking me out of the bed.

   As she pulls me out of the room I grab my purse, phone, and room keys. I yell a goodbye to Mason just as Nikki slams the door.

   They lead me to the campus mall, which was ginormous, and take me into one of the shops. Inside it smelled like perfume and smoke. The music was blaring yet we could here each other perfectly.

   We walk to the back of the store and find the "party" section. This store literally has a party section?

I look around for about twenty minutes until I realize I have no idea what I should wear. I find Nikki in the dressing room squeezing into a tight purple mini skirt.

"Where are your clothes?"

"I need help."

Without another word she shoves me into a dressing room and tells me to wait. She comes back with arms full of clothes.

"Try them all on and show me the top three!", she calls shutting the door.

I look through the clothes. First, I pull out a white dress with a sparkly top. As I'm looking in the mirror Lizzi comes rushing in.

"Eek! That's cute!"


"If you don't buy it I will."

"You try it on."

Which she happily does almost ripping it while yanking it off of me.

"You look beautiful!"

"I know!", she shows a toothy smile and we both start laughing.

"Would you mind if I buy it?", she asks.

"Not at all!"

"Ooh! Try this on!"

She hands me a gorgeous red dress with a bedazzled middle. I put it on and instantly fall in love.



"Why is everyone screaming?", Nikki asks entering the room.

"I found the perfect dress!"

"But I wanted to see the top three!", she complains.

"But look!", I step out and her jaw instantly drops.

"You look... Amazing!", that's when I notice her beautiful dark purple dress.

"As do you!"

"So do I!", Lizzi adds stepping out.
We all laugh and change back into our regular clothes.

As we pay the cashier never takes his eyes off me. I look at him as he looks about thirty. When I receive my change he points at the five. I look down and see his number written on it. I smile and put the five in his tip jar. He gives a shocked and angry expression and we all walk away.

We head to the food court and I let out a squeal seeing as they have a Chick-fil-A. We rush over and Order the Asian Chicken Salad- my favorite.

"So is it okay if I go with this guy I met in art yesterday to the dance?", Nikki asks.

"Yeah at least I have Aria!", Lizzi says happily.


"Uh actually I'm going with Mason.", Nikki chokes on her drink as soon as I say that.

"You're what?!"

"I'm going with Mason", I say a little quieter.



"He is a huge player! I don't want you to get played like all the other poor girls."

"I think it's just a friend thing. Plus even if it wasn't I wouldn't date him, he's your brother!"

She just nods and continues eating. I look to Lizzi who has already
finished her food and she gives me a smile. I go back to eating and as soon as we finish we head back to the dorms.


-811 words-

But omg Aria and Mason?

Do you think it's "just a friend thing"?

Who do you think Nikki's going with?

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