Chapter Sixteen: Surprise Guests

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I get in the elevator anxious to see who could be downstairs.

The elevator doors open to the lobby and reveal Danny, Liam, Jen, and Garrett.

"Oh my gods!!", I run over and koala Danny. Once we're done having our moment we all share a big group hug.

"What are you guys doing here?!"

"Well you haven't called so I thought you were dead. So I got the group to come and visit you!", Danny says excitedly.

"I'm so happy! Oh my gods I've missed you guys so much!"

    "So are we just going to stand down here or are you going to show us where we will be sleeping?", LIAM pipes up.

    "Wait you guys didn't book a hotel?"

    "No way! We're here for the week and we're spending it the whole time with you!"

    "Uh... Okay. Let's go up then."

After the elevator ride up and walking to the room we stop outside the door.

"So I do have a roommate and there is only two beds so we'll probably have to share with Lizzi."

"Who's Lizzi?! You better not be replacing me!", Danny jokes and we all laugh. It feels good being with my old friends. But strangely I don't want them to meet my new friends. I guess I'm just... Worried.

I open the door and lead them in. Mason and Greg give me weird looks before staring deliberately at them all.

"Oh my gods the fuzzy blanket!! I missed it!!", Danny drops her things and runs to my bed to cuddle in my blanket. Mason and Greg give her weird looks before looking at me again. I shrug it off and laugh.

"Mason, Greg, these are my friends from home, guys this is Mason and Greg."

    "Hey.", they all greet each other.

    "So Mason they need a place to crash so Liam and Garrett will be staying with you and Danny, Jen, and I will crash with Lizzi and Nikki."

    "Oh okay. Are we still doing our group plans or are you going to be hanging with them?", he says a tad bitterly. I'm guessing that means their not invited to the movies and such with us.

    "I guess both. It depends on how things go."

"Well if no one's going to say it I am, when will we eat?", Jen asks gaining the attention of the room.

"dinner is in an hour.", Greg answers.

"Jen, Danny, let's go over to Lizzi's so you can set your stuff down."

They follow me out and into Lizzi's room.

"Hey Lizzi! So my friends need somewhere to stay so I was wondering if we could crash here while the guys crash in my room?"

"Of course! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine!"

    "Thanks Lizzi! So Lizzi, this is Danny and Jen. Danny, Jen, this is Lizzi."

    "So...", Lizzi looks from them to me," Rory, you, me, and Nikki can share a bed and they can have the other?", I guess I'm getting a nickname. I wonder why.

    "That works for me, what about you guys?"

    "Sure, I guess.", Jen answers for them both. Danny gives her a look and smiles back at us.

    This week is going to be great...


Hey everyone!!

Update!!! Yay!!

So I was wondering if it would be okay if I started writing shorter updates so I could update daily or at least every other day? Would that be good with you all?

Secondly, you can still join the contest! You have until November 23 to join! On that day I will be posting the rules, prizes, and other information!! So join, join, join!! It's going to be a holiday writing contest; what I'm thinking so far is use the characters from The Room (you can add people of you like) and write a short story that would be happening during like Christmas (does that make sense?)

So back to the story...

What do you think of Aria's friends being back?

What do you think is going to happen?

TATA lovelies!!

The RoomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon