Chapter Twenty Three: Wherever The Road Takes Me

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    "Liam, I know we only got together because of my mother, but I'm happy we did. I love you."

    "I love you too, sweetie."

     I cuddle up to Liam, his body warm, his clothes so soft. Why are guy clothes so soft?

    I look up into his eyes and smile, he smiles back. The smile smiling back at mine is not Liam's. Who?-

    "Ma- Mason?"

     "Yes, Aria?"

     I shoot up out of my seat, "what are you doing here?! Where's Liam?"

     "Whose Liam?", I stare into his eyes searching for answers. His icy blue eyes- wait- green eyes?

     "Aria, are you okay?"


    "Aria, maybe you should lay down."

    Mason steps out from behind Evan and glares at me, "Aria how could you? I told you I love you and you throw that out like its nothing. Like I'm nothing. And- and you choose Evan?! Of all people, why him?!"

    "I didn't choose anyone!"-

    "Save it, Aria.", Liam steps into the room catching everyone's attention, "you knew your moms last wish was to see us together. You knew I wanted it for years! Even our friends wanted it! But you blew it."

     "But I didn't-"

    "You didn't choose me?", Evan asks, his voice showing how hurt he is.

    "I didn't choose anyone!"

    "Well you lost all of us, too."

    I shoot up in bed, tears staining my face.

    "It was just a dream.", I whisper to myself.

    I bring myself out of bed and put on a robe and a pair of shoes. I grab my keys and take off into the night.

     No destination in mind, just driving to wherever the road takes me.

     I find myself parked in front of the hospital. I know visiting hours are over, but I also know which room she is in. 

    I go through the doors into the hospital and the desk is empty. I rush to the elevator and press the button. While I'm waiting I hear heels clacking against the tile coming my way. I take off running to the stairwell and run up as quickly as possible. When I get to the floor I press my ear against the door to listen for anyone coming. The cold door sends chills down my spine and I realize I've been shaking this whole time. The adrenaline pumps through me faster and faster. Once I'm sure no one is in the hall I open the door quietly and step out. I look around and walk a silent as possible to her room.

    I peer into the room and see her asleep. I open the door and walk in. I carefully pull myself into her bed and cuddle up to her.

    "I love you, mom. Good night.", I kiss her forehead and slowly drift to sleep.


-760 words-

Hey everyone!

So I published the chapter and realized I forgot the author's note... Oops!


What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think Aria's dream means?

What do you think is going to happen?


No one has gotten back to me about their short stories... So did anyone write one who signed up?
If you wrote in the comments on any of the chapters I talked about the contest saying you were interested I counted that as signing up. So just tell me if you have a story!!


I'm going to spend the rest of today writing and I'll try to write tomorrow and I'll get some updates ready! For the updates Would you rather me update all in one day or update one or two a day?


So, every time someone comments or sends me a message about how they like one of my books I fangirl so much!! All of you are just so wonderful and I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who supports me and my writing and just takes the time out of their day to read something I wrote and to say something, it really makes my day every time!! So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

I realized I don't really know that much about you all and I want to change that! So in the author's notes on every chapter I'm going to start asking questions about you all!

So let's start with the basics:

What's your name?
What's your favourite colour?
When is your birthday?

(I know, lame questions)

If you want to know anything about me you can just ask, I am an open book! I just really want to get to know you all!!

Vote, comment, and share!

Tata, lovlies!

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