Chapter Twenty-Five: Secrets and confusion

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    I step off of the plane and am bombarded by hugs and shouting. I drop my bags and we all have a big group hug. I look up and see Mason standing off to the side with a smirk plastered on his face. That smirk I fell for not to long ago. Our group hug ends and I walk over to Mason and pull him into my arms.

    "I missed you.", he whispers, his breath tickles and tingles against my skin.

    "I missed you too.", I whisper back.

    We release and I pick up my bags and follow everyone to the taxi. We all pack ourselves in and they catch me up on everything I've missed. Not much, really. Lizzi's upset because I missed a party, but I think I've done enough partying.


We get back to the dorms and I run to my room as fast as I can. I throw the door open and jump onto my bed. I kick off my shoes and curl up into a ball on the soft comforter. I hear the door close and everyone sit on the couch.

"So what happened back home?", Nikki asks.

I let everyone in on everything, leaving out the parts with Liam, those are only for Lizzi and Nikki's ears.

"And that's about it.", I finished.

    They were all silent, clearly not knowing what to say. What do you say to someone when their mother is dying and they can't even be there to help her?

    I cleared my throat to break the silence, "movie?"

    They all gladly nodded their heads, clearly grateful they didn't have to say anything.


    "Come on Aria, you get to stay with us tonight.", Lizzie said linking arms with me as we left the theatre.

    "Ha-ha okay!"

    "But Aria was going to play video games with us.", Greg whined. Nikki shot him a look and he smiled, "Actually I'm pretty tired, you go have fun, Aria."

    Everyone laughed. Soon we were back at the dorms and I was being pushed inside the girl's dorm.

"Okay now tell us the drama.", Lizzi piped getting straight to the point.

"Okay...", I told them everything. I spilled my sappy feelings and emotions and all of my worries and problems and how confused I was and my boy troubles, even about my dream from the other night. They took it all in silently until I was finished.

"Wow... That's... A lot.", Nikki stated.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know! I really like Mason, and Liam... And Evan.... WHY IS THIS SO CONFUSING?!", I shouted.

"I wish I had your boy troubles. Three guys chasing after me... Instead I have a crush on a guy who's dating one of my best friends."

"Wait what?", Nikki and I stared at Lizzi confused. She met my gaze and turned a bright red at finally realizing what she just said.

"Oh uh... Nothing! Just forget it!"

"No way! What are you talking about?", I pried.

She let out a sigh," Nikki, I was going to ask Greg to the dance the day you told me you two were going together. I've liked him since sophomore year...", she said shyly.

"You have? I'm so sorry Lizzi, if I had known I would've never said yes!"

"Well you didn't know, it's not your fault. And you two are happy together, so it's okay."

"But Lizzi..."

"No really! It's okay."

Lizzi gave Nikki a sad smile, probably making Nikki feel much worse.

"I'm gonna go to sleep.", Lizzi said crawling into her bed.

"So am I."

I was left sitting on the floor, not tired at all, and still left confused.

I got up and walked to my room quietly and collapsed onto the couch. I let out a sigh and threw my hands over my face and kicked off my shoes.

"You don't sound too happy."

"Mason! You scared me!"

"Ha-ha. What's wrong?"


"Come on... Tell me."

I get off the couch and walk into my closet. I put on a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans, a white crop top, and a black leather jacket. I run my fingers through my hair and put on some red lipstick. I hop into my black boots and walk back into the room.

"Let's go."


"We're going out."

"Like on a date?", a smirk played to his lips that had me swooning.

"Yup.", I said popping the 'p'.


Hey everyone!!

I'm sorry it took so long for an update. I've had major writers block, so I hope this chapter is okay.

So As this book comes closer to an end I need you all to choose a guy! Yes, your votes will effect the ending!

So Lizzi told her secret! What do you think?

Tata, lovelies!!!

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