Chapter Twelve: Lets Go To The Beach

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     Today was Friday, the first day to our three days off. I wake up and pack for the days we would be spending at our beach house. I was so excited. I was finally going to get to see some of Cambridge!

     After getting packed I go to get ready, making sure to look extra pretty.

    Adding more eyeliner, mascara, and putting a little more effort into my hair I slip my self into my black short-shorts and a white crop top. Topping everything off with my silver strappy sandals.

    I meet everyone in the hallway and we head downstairs. I walk outside expecting to see a taxi, yet I see a black mustang.

"Whose is this?", I ask the shock well written on my face.

"Someone owed me a favor.", Mason states with a smirk.

I set my bag in the trunk and hop in the passengers seat. With Mason in the drivers, and Greg, Lizzi, and Nikki in the back we head off.

After an hours worth of driving we pull over to get gas and I get into the drivers seat.

"What do you think your doing?", Mason asks.

"I think I'm about to drive, what about you?", I joke.

He just shakes his head with a chuckle and gets into the passengers seat.

I drive slowly out of the parking lot and once in the main road I speed up getting a surprised expression from Mason.

I throw my head back and laugh. I turn up the music and drive on.

Another hour and a half later we find ourselves in front of an amazing beach house. Enough rooms to where we could each get our own!

We grab out bags and go inside. I, being the child I am, run upstairs to get first picks on a bedroom. I go down the hallway opening each door only to find two bedrooms.

Everyone meets me upstairs and I explain the situation.

"I volunteer sharing a room with Nikki!", Greg speaks up.

"I'll get the pullout downstairs.", Lizzi says, I hear the sadness in her voice and give her a look, she doesn't notice as she's staring blankly at the floor.

"I guess Aria and I will share the other room."

"Cool." I walk to the bedroom and set my bag down. I look around the room and walk to the balcony. I open the doors and walk out. A perfect view of the beach and a perfect hiding place from everyone.

I walk back in and Mason greets me.

"Hey put on your swimsuit we're going to the beach.

I sigh and head to my bag. I pull out my black and dark blue ombré bikini and head to the bathroom. I change into it and look into the mirror. I'm happy with the reflection I see and walk into the bedroom.

Mason looks up and stares at me. Not his normal stare. This one more intense, focused, something I can't explain.

     "What?", I ask.

    His cheeks go red as I walk behind him to grab my blue jean shorts and slip them on.

    "Ready?", I ask seeing as I wouldn't get an answer for my previous question.

     "Yeah.", with that he follows me out and we meet everyone downstairs.

    We all pile into the car and Mason drives us to the beach. As we arrive we set up a place in the sand equipped with; towels, an umbrella, a cooler, music, and a bag for our clothes and other accessories or your phone.

I lay out on my towel getting ready to tan.

"What are you doing?", Mason asks.

"Getting ready to tan.", I say sliding on my sunglasses.

"No way! You have to come in the water!"

    "But why?"

    Without a word he picks me up and takes off running towards the water.

    "Mason no!!", I scream," put me down!!"

     He runs into the water and pulls us under. I try to swim up but he turns me around and we're facing each other. He crashes his face into mine and we share a kiss. A magical kiss. This kiss sends electricity through my veins. We slowly float up and break off our kiss.

I smile.

He smiles.

"Will you go on a date with me?"


Hey guys! It's been a while since an update but here you go!
-745 words-
A little feedback would be nice :) so tell me what you think!
Tata lovelies!!

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