Chapter Twenty: What Now

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    Mason loves me. I don't know how to feel anymore. I like Mason... A lot. But I also like Evan. And now I'm thinking about Liam.

    I walk back to my room and the girls and I go to Lizzi's.

    "What was that about?", Lizzi asks.

    "Mason said he loves me."

    "Woah. How do you feel?"

    "I don't know anymore. I like him... But I also like Evan. And now I sort of like... Liam."

    As soon as I say it Danny is pouncing on me.

"Finally! Finally! Finally!", she shouts.

"This isn't a good thing, Danny."

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!", Lizzi shouts," she's supposed to be with Mason!"

"No! She's supposed to be with Evan.", Nikki says.

They all begin arguing about who I should end up with. I slip out the door, for once I really just want to be alone.

    I walk around not knowing where I'm going, not knowing where I'm going to end up. After some time I find myself in a little clearing of trees. With one rock right in the middle with an amazing view of the full moon. I sit down, lean back, and close my eyes.


     Opening my eyes I see the morning sun above me. Did I fall asleep?

    I check my phone showing breakfast is in thirty minutes. Just enough time for me to go back to my room, get dressed and ready, and head to eat. Great.

After a ten minute walk back to my room I change into a black and white striped sweater, a black mini skirt. A pair of black thigh high socks, and black ankle boots. I curl my hair and do my makeup and head out to breakfast.

    After I get my plate I sit down at the table with everyone. I see my new friends having their own conversations and my old friends having their own. Great. They still aren't talking to each other. I'm happy to see Mason here. I was thinking he was not going to show.

    Instead of my normal seat I take the seat in between Lizzi and Danny.

   "Rory!", Lizzi chimes.

    "Hey Lizzi!"

    "Where did you go last night? We were worried about you!"

    I glance up to see Mason is paying close attention. I pretend I don't notice and look back down.

   "I just had a lot to think about. I went for a walk."

    "An all night walk?", Danny asks.

    "I fell asleep."

    "Aria can we do something after this?", Danny asks.

    "Of course! Beach?"

    "Sounds great!", she leans in closer to my ear," can we go without them?", she whispers.

    I know she means my new friends, I look over and they aren't paying attention," sure."

After breakfast we head back to my room to get ready. I change into a blue bikini. I slip into a black pair of shorts and grab my stuff.

"Ready?", I ask everyone.

"Ready!", they all answer and we head down to the lobby. We all pile into a taxi and tell the driver where to go.

I stare out the windows still being mesmerized by the city. It's beautiful! Soon the beach appears and we hop out of the taxi. We set down our stuff and give each other a look.

    Running. All of us running. Racing towards the water. It's a game we've always played at the beach. First one to the water wins a prize. Usually it's just that they don't have to pay at wherever we eat. I forgot how much fun this was. I forgot how much I missed everyone. Still speeding towards the water with all of us laughing Danny's in the lead. She reaches out and takes my hand and we're running together. We hit the water at the same time.

    "Bow down to your queens!", Danny yells.

    We all laugh as Garrett splashes Danny. She lets go of my hand to go tackle Garrett and I can't stop laughing.

    Someone grabs my feet from underwater and pulls me down. I scream and when I look to see who pulled me Liam crashes his lips into mine.

    After a great kiss we pull back and we're both smiling like idiots.

    "Ooooh!", Jen and Danny sound in unison. I laugh and splash them both. This launches us all into a splash war.

    Water flying, us all laughing, it's perfect.


Hi everyone!

Wow I'm so sorry it took so long for an update!!

But what do you guys think about Liam and Aria?

And who do you think she should end up with?

Anyway, don't forget the short story for the contest is due December 23!

I'll work on the next update and hopefully get it to you by tomorrow!

-790 words- 

TATA lovelies!!

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