Chapter Twenty- Eight: Changes

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"I swear she's changed!"

"What do you mean?"

"Nikki! She's... Different."

"I'm sure you're over exaggerating."

"Aria, listen to me! Something is wrong with Nikki."

"Let's talk to her."

"Are you crazy?!"


"Nikki will kill us if we try to talk about her feelings."

"I'm sure sh-"

"Trust me."

"Okay then so wha-"

I stop talking as soon as the door to Lizzi's room opens revealing Nikki.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"

"Nothing!", Lizzi and I answer in unison.


"Yeah! So what's up?"

"I wanna talk to you guys about something."

Lizzi and I exchange a look, "what about," I ask cautiously.

"Um... So... I don't know how to do this..."

"What is it?"

Nikki opens her mouth to speak, and closes it. Her lips are held tightly and her face is pale and red at the same time. As I'm trying to find something to say I catch a glimpse of a tear rolling down her face. She throws her hand up and wipes it away, and then another one. I step forward and embrace her, and that's when she lets her guard down.

"I'm not okay", she whispers. I pull her in tighter and we stand there while she sobs silently, shaking.

When she regains some composure she tells us every thing. About how she only broke up with Greg because of Lizzi, how she loves Greg, every thing that has been bothering her. I feel like such a terrible friend for not knowing about this.

Lizzi has a somber expression. I don't know how to help the both of them. I'd I give Nikki advice it can hurt Lizzi and I don't even know how to help Lizzi. I can't even help myself so how do I expect myself to be able to help others?

"Nikki...," Lizzi starts," it's okay if you want to be with Greg. I like him, but I can always find someone else. He makes you happy, and your happiness is much more important to me than some guy. So call Greg, we'll get you all dolled up, and you guys can go kiss and make up."


Lizzi laughs and nods her head. Nikki gives her the biggest smile, hugs us both, and runs off to call Greg.

"You okay?", I ask Lizzi.

"Yeah. She's happy. That's all I've ever wanted," she looks off with an even sadder expression.

"You don't look okay".

She sighs and looks at me," I've liked her for as long as I can remember. But I could never tell her. But as long as she's happy, I'll be happy." Lizzi gets up and walks away, leaving me to just sit and think about everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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