Roses and Reactions

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“Hey asshole, where’d you take Logan for your first date? I need an idea for me and Mel’s eleven month anniversary,” Alyssa walked up and slammed my locker shut.

I frowned and my jaw dropped. It wasn’t because she closed my locker or the fact that she was celebrating eleven months, because really eleven? Why not just wait until twelve?

She raised an eyebrow, and then narrowed her eyes, “You’ve never taken him on a date! You really are an asshole. Why is he dating you?!”

I stumbled for words, moving my hands around like they‘d do the talking for me. “I forgot about the whole dating thing! Everything was secret for months until, well until now. He doesn’t like me to spoil him. I got him a puppy and he… well he loves Dex but he hated it, does that make sense?”

She slapped my forehead, “No. Of course he loved it! You were thinking about him and went out and bought a fucking puppy because of it! He was the bubbliest I’d ever seen him that week.”

I groaned, “Oh damn. What do I do? Where do I take him? The movies?” She actually slapped me, in the hallway, in public. “Are you stupid, you don’t take my best friend to the movies,” she spat it out like a curse, “You do something romantic and show him off to everyone!”

“But he gets too shy -” “But he secretly loves it,” Alyssa snapped like she just knew everything in the world.

She sighed at my confused face. “Look, when Logan first sucked you off. You were probably all shy, ’Oh no you don’t have to do that Logan. Its ok’,” she imitated a terrible version of my voice, “But then you enjoyed the hell out of that blowjob, didn’t you! You loved it even though you didn’t want to force him to do it. You loved it and you hated it?”

I don’t think I’ve ever felt so… red. Her eyes went wide. “Ohmygod! He’s never sucked -” “Shut up,” I yelled over her voice, “And what the hell does that scenario have to do with anything!”

I looked around and noticed people were starting to stare now. “What the hell are you guys doing in your free time? Why aren’t you humping like bunnies? Why aren’t fucking constantly? You clearly are not dating the right way,” she snorted.

I frowned. “You’ve had months to experiment and you’ve already fucked. I don’t understand,” she mumbled like these were all well known facts.

Sure I’ve taken him to the boardwalk plenty of times, to IHOP, I bought him a puppy, we went to Prom together, I rented a hotel for him, and we went to Josh’s party together, but we never went on a real date.

Those were the only couple like things we ever did together.

“Then what the hell am I supposed to do that isn’t so cliché and hasn’t been done before?”

“I don’t know! I came to you for your help. You’re supposed to be the King of this school.” It’s like her words snapped some sense into me. I am the King. And I knew just what to do now.

“You know what. You’re right. I got it..” I clapped her on her shoulder and walked off towards my next class. “Well, aren’t you going to tell me? Tony,” she yelled after me.

That night, lying down with Logan, I couldn’t stop smiling. Tomorrow would be perfect. 

Everything was set up and everyone knew their roles. If something wrong happened, I’d kick some ass.

I left the house before Logan woke up, expecting his ‘Where’d you go?’ text.

I was so nervous and bubbly. This was not normal behavior for me, obviously, as I was pacing and twitching and couldn’t keep still. “He’s here,” Alyssa said to me, smiling.

For As Long As It Takes (boyxboy) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now