Battle of the Ex's

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Logan (continued..)

“You did what?! Why?” I smacked Josh in the back of his head.

“I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to tell him! I thought you’d be happy because you want to get this over with so you can be back together! Sorry, jeez,” he rubbed his head over his messy blonde hair.

“Why would you tell him that on his first day back to school! He has enough to worry about!”

“I said I was sorry!”

“I have to get to her first,” I took off to the hallway that I remembered her locker was in. She was there alright, talking to shorter, younger girl with shiny platinum blonde hair. When they saw me, they both looked away quickly.


“Both of you, follow me, now,” I growled low enough for them to hear.

They hesitated but did what I said. I lead the path to the empty library, sneaking past the deaf old librarian, and in between two shelves in the back.

“What the fuck did you do?! Tony is probably going to murder you sometime today,” I whisper-yelled.

Jessica made a face and snobbishly said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about -”

“Bullshit! Don’t you think Tony’s going through enough! Just tell me the truth,” I snapped.

“I wasn’t the one in that picture, I have nothing to do with this,” she snarled.

“Oh, I see. So she was in the picture," I pointed to the freshman who was trembling, "and you took it and passed them around? What you probably did was roll him over on his back, while he was drunk and passed out, and tried to hurry up and take the picture.

"Here’s the thing, Tony doesn’t sleep on his back so he tried to roll over and then you couldn’t see his face in the picture anymore, but you didn’t want to take the chance of him waking up. So you just took the picture you could get. And this girl was the one in her underwear with the star-shaped birthmark on her ankle.”

The girl, still unnamed and unknown, turned red and stared crying about how Jessica blackmailed her into doing it.

“You are just unbelievable Jessica. You are - you disgust me, more than ever before. I know you can be better than that, I know you can’t possibly be such a bitch.”

She gasped. Whether it was from me calling her a bitch, which was so out of my element that I felt sorry already, or the fact that I had figured it out, I don’t know, but she started sobbing, loudly. Shoulder’s shaking, gallons of tears flowing, and snot dripping sobbing.

“Wait. Jess, I was angry I shouldn’t have -”

“Logan, I can handle this,” Tony said from behind me. I jumped at the sound of his voice and watched as he came over and put an arm around Jessica.

At first I was mad and hated that I felt jealous but I realized he was just trying to get her to calm down.

“I just don’t understand,” she hiccuped, “Why? Why’d you leave me? Was I so bad that you had to turn gay?”

And the pity I had a minute ago was gone again, Jess's logic could have your guilty feelings go away like a bottle of insta-vanish zip cream. Of course she was making this about her.

“Jess. I didn’t turn gay because of you. I didn’t leave you either. We were never together. You and I both know that. Maybe I could’ve given you a little heads up, sure, but you had clearly already moved on,"Tony said in a soft voice.

For As Long As It Takes (boyxboy) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now