Finding the Words (Epilogue - Part Two)

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"Hey. Wake up."

Someone was shaking me. Logan was shaking me. Dammit.

"Five more minutess." I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head.

I heard him chuckle above me. "You said that an hour ago Tony. Come on, you promised me lunch."

"What time is it?"

"It's a little after twelve. I let you sleep. I did laundry. I'm bored. Can you please get up and take me to lunch?" He whined, shaking me again.

I reached out and yanked him onto the bed with me. He yelped when I stuffed him underneath me. "You did my laundry too?"

"Yeah, who do you think has been doing your laundry? And who has been folding it and putting it away for you and-"

"The laundry fairy." I mumbled into his neck.

He scoffed bitterly and slapped the back of my head. "Well the laundry fairy's about to stop making sure you have clean clothes to wear."

I pulled back, looking into luminous green eyes, momentarily getting lost in them. "Thank you babe." I gave his lips a peck. "We can go get lunch now."

He smirked, "Are you sure Woody's gonna let you do that?"

I frowned, "What? Oh-you know... I don't know why everyone thinks I'm the horny dirty-minded one." I pushed him from underneath me and on to the floor.

He shrieked when he hit the floor, groaning, and threatening to kill me.

"Love you too," I mumbled into my pillow, snuggling back in. "Give me five more minutes."

"Shit I'm freezing my balls off out here." I huffed and pulled my hat further down over my ears with my left hand, squeezing Logan's in my right.

The snow was crunching under our boots as we walked across campus to eat the lunch I'd promised, and the wind was terrorizing my ears, making me shiver every time a strong wind blew and threatened to knock me over. I glanced over to Logan, who's nose was red from the cold. He was shivering despite being cozy in a winter jacket that was layered over one of my sweatshirts.

I stuffed our linked hands into my pocket to keep them warm and quickened my pace, dragging him along with me to hurry and get him inside.

He huffed, grumbling about me being tall and having longer legs. I held back a laugh and smiled remembering when he'd realized that I'd grown another five inches, clocking in at six foot four, and he had stayed at his five foot nine. He grumbled about it for a week and wouldn't let me put my arm around his shoulders, or do anything to make him seem shorter.

We hurried across the quad to the closest campus cafe. Logan had settled on going here because it had started to snow and he had never liked driving in the rain, so the slushy wet snow was definitely off limits.

I held open the cafe door, urging him inside. He unlaced our fingers and told me to find us an empty table while he went up to get food. It seemed like everyone was cramed in here today, trying to escape the harsh November winds and freezing snow. A couple of guys yelled out and waved me over and since Logan would be in line for a while I made my way over.

"Tony!" "Hey man what's up?" "Dude! What's good?" "Are you going to that party tonight?" "Yeah you got to be there." "It's gonna be live, you can't miss it!" "The party of junior year bro." "Bring Logan too!" "Yeah man, bring Loges!"

I laughed, going around to give handshakes to most of the group. "I don't know-"

"Aw man, it's Saturday, just ask your husband for permission!" "Yeah ask your life partner!" "Life partner? What-" "Yeah, dummy that's what it's called-"

For As Long As It Takes (boyxboy) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now