What Am I Feeling?

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He looked up at me when I walked in the room. "Aww, Tony." He got up from laying down on the bed and grabbed the puppy I was holding. The pup had on a little bow tie and a card tied to it. He pulled off the card and opened it, grinning.

"'Prom?' Just one word. How romantic. You've always been so good with words." "Stop being sarcastic. This is a serious moment."

"As serious as a puppy in a bow tie can be," he rubbed the pup's belly.

I gave him a blank look. "I know you're being serious. You already know the whole prom situation. Plus prom is on Friday? It's a little late for asking isn't it?" I just gave him the look again.

"Ok. Yes, I'll go to prom with you." I'm sure I had the biggest smile on my face. "Great. So do you like him?"

His face lit up, just thinking about the puppy. "Yes, where'd you get him? It's a pug right?" "Yeah, I thought maybe we could try and take him to Syracuse with us. We can train him now before we leave this summer. We won't have a lot of time to train him once school starts."

"He's great. It is a boy right?" "Yep. Come on, let's go walk him," I handed him a leash. "Wait. I've got to take a picture of him with this tie on. This is the funniest thing," he smiled.

On the outside I was cool and composed, but on the inside I was proud and thrilled that he liked my surprise.

In school for the past month, guys have been trying to one up each other by figuring out cute ways to ask girls to prom. I knew he didn't want me to act sweet with him but I figured it'd gain me some points with him. Plus, I knew he'd tell Josh. Who'd 'accidentally' tell the team, who'd tell the school and I'd be the sweetest guy on the planet.

He took the picture and shoved his phone in his pocket. He smiled up at me while he hooked the leash up to the pup's collar.

It was a clear day except for a few clouds dotting the sky here and there. There was a breeze but with the sun beaming down it made the air warm.

His hair was whipping around in his face and I wanted to reach out and fix it so I could see his eyes, but decided against it.

"So what should we name him," he broke the silence and snapped me out of my obvious staring. "What about Jack the Ripper," I looked down to see the pup taking small leaps over some stray rocks and smiled.

"Tony... What kind of name is that? Little kids would be scared of him." "Good." "No, no. What about Spikes?" "No way Logan. That's a typically pug name."

"Exactly," he raised an eyebrow. "No. We're not a typical couple so he can't have a typical name. He needs a cool name. How about Dexter? Dex."

"You know what, I actually like that for him. Hey there Dexter. By the way, no more little moves like this. I feel like a little girl squealing over a puppy like this." "But you liked it, and that was my goal. And I like him, so we're both happy. I squealed over him in the store if that makes you feel any better."

"It doesn't... Maybe a little," he chuckled. My stomach gave a little twist when he smiled at me and his fingers brushed against my hand. I'm assuming it's what girl's called butterflies. It was something that I'm sure I'd never experienced.

It wasn't the same as the tingling feeling I got all over my body when we started making out. That was lust. This was... something else. Something different. Something special. He must of seen the way I was looking at him because he gave me a look and asked if I wanted to start heading back home. I nodded, not being able to speak.

For the first time in my life I was speechless. I couldn't put a name on the feelings that were currently invading my mind. I couldn't fully understand what this was but it was making my heart rate speed up and my palms were sweaty and my mouth was suddenly dry.

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