Cliché (Epilogue - Part Three)

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A month later.

Tony held my hand tightly while we waited for our luggage to come around.

We'd just landed in Cali for Christmas at my mother's and he kept leaning down to kiss at my lips and jaw and neck, not at all caring about the few stares we got. Actually he hadn't been very shy lately about touching and kissing me. Since our 'vacation' last month he hadn't really spent any time with anyone else but me. He didn't let me out of his sight for a moment, except for class and when he went to work.

Normally I wouldn't complain, I wasn't now either, not really. But he was worrying me. He kept saying that he just wanted to spend time together, and it was great, but he was acting strange. Strange as in extremely lovey-dovey.

Everything was different. It seemed everything had changed with us. The way he spoke to me, looked at me. Touched me. He touched me differently, softer, caressing my skin. The sex was even different. It was slow, torturously slow. He kept whispering sweet nothings in my ear, telling me how much he loved me, how much I meant to him and how beautiful I was. And he was handsy. His hands would run over my body, touching, feeling everywhere, like he was trying to commit me to memory.

It worried me. The last time he was even remotely like this.. No. He wouldn't. He'd grown up, he'd changed since then.

I squeezed his hand back just as tightly as we waited for my mom to pick us up. He looked down at me, frowning, asking what was wrong. I just shook my head, telling him everything was fine, that I was happy to be away from the snow.

I knew something was wrong the third day we'd been back when I stepped into the kitchen after grocery shopping for my mom, and they all stopped talking. "Well don't stop gossiping on my account." I scoffed, walking in and putting the groceries away.

Tony got up to help put away the food and kiss me. "We weren't talking about you babe. You just surprised us. We thought you were Becca's boyfriend with the baby. They were supposed to be here by now." He lied, and I don't know how I knew but I did. He actually lied to me. And now I desperately wanted to know what the hell they'd been talking about.

Tony had told them something. Something that kept making my mother ask how things were with us. Asking if I really loved him.

"What the hell is going on Ma?" I finally asked, fed up with all the questions from her and Becca. "You wanna know the truth? He's scaring me. You guys are scaring me Ma. He's acting like he did when-" I didn't say it. Didn't even want to say it out loud. "I don't know what's going on. But yes, for the thousandth time, I love him more than anything. So I wish you guys would just spit it out. I know he's been thinking about taking control over his Dad's construction business. He talked to his uncle and he said he could take over no problem. Does he want to leave school? Or maybe it's-"

"Or maybe you're overreacting. It's probably nothing sweetheart. I think you're freaking out over all the attention you're getting-"

"That's it. It's all this attention that's making me think-"

She glared at me now. "Oh shut up will you Logan. The boy is doing nothing wrong. You'd think you'd be happy your boyfriend likes to be with you so much. If he's smothering you, just tell him. Now go on and start cutting those carrots." And she went back to seasoning chicken, ending the conversation just like that.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. Women.

 "Coming to bed?" I looked up from my book to see Tony's head peaking into the living room.

Later that night after dinner, I tucked myself into the corner of the couch to finish up a book I'd been trying to read. "Little bit. Just gonna read for a while longer."

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