Author's Note - The End

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Holy shit guys! It's actually over!

I just wanted to take this time to thank each and every reader that I've had. Each reader that loved Tony and Logan's story. And the one's that didn't because it gave me a few tips. I hope you tell your friends about Tony and Logan and I hope they tell their friends and so on and so forth.

This has been a journey for me because it's my first finished novel on Wattpad! And it's also my first boyxboy. These are babies, and so is this story. So thanks for bearing with me the whole way through. Thanks for continuing to read through grammatical errors and stupid, cliche boring lines and conversations. I'd like to think that as I continued with the story my writing improved. I can actually see it progress.

Hope you all loved For As Long As It Takes.

Btw I'll be changing the name once I finally finish the editing and rewrites.

I love you all.

Forever yours,


For As Long As It Takes (boyxboy) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now