Be Confident and Gay

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"Ok, guys? And we have two more games left. Two games until the championship. If we win the championship, and we will, we will be undefeated!" The locker room cheered and pounded their chests and barked like dogs.

"Let's get out there and kick their asses! If you need a sub signal to coach, I don't want anybody being lazy out there. If you hear me call a play make sure everybody knows what that play is. We are a team and we work together. If someone fucks up we all fuck up because we can help that person out. We work together! Let's go. Hands in."

Everybody jumped in the pile and screamed sharks louder and louder and louder until it sounded ridiculous. Logan knew how to pump them up before a game. "Ok, let's get out there."

"Guy's wait." Everybody turned around and I blurted out, "I'm gay." I seriously don't even know why I did it. It wasn't the right time. It was quiet at first. "Dude, you're telling us this now? Well, we never would've guessed that," Nick laughed.

They started laughing but shut up when I gave them a look. "I'm serious."

"Ok dude. I was just saying we really wouldn't have guessed that. With your reputation and everything. But uh, then again it's not a complete shock. Logan goes gay and so does everybody else," Nick shrugged. "I'm not copying him."

"Are you guys like - together?" I seen Logan's eyes widen out of the corner of my eye. I sighed, "No. No, we're not." "So you're really gay," Nick asked."

I nodded, "Yep. I'm really gay." "Cool. Well, I mean whatever. We're obviously all cool with that."

Josh looked at Logan, "You started a revolution! First you, then me, and Kenny and Justin, and now Tony." "I have gay-dar, trust me there's no more," Logan's eyes were wide.

Everybody laughed and headed out to the field.

We probably played the best game we ever had today. 16 to 2. It was amazing how in sync we were.

 (A/N: Logan's POV is not the same day)


"Hey which one of you is Tony?" A tall sandy-haired boy came walking up, smiling. He was extremely good looking, if I was being honest. He had the clearest gray eyes I'd ever seen.

"That would be me," Tony took his arm from around my shoulder, "And you are?" "I'm Nick's cousin, Jason. Just wanted to say you were great out there. Both of you," he reached out to shake Tony's hand, then mine. "Uh, not to be blunt but, your gay, right?"

If Tony was shocked, or surprised, he didn't show it. He looked rather amused more than anything, "Yeah, is that a problem?" "No, no. My dad runs a pretty decent gym, in fact, you should stop by and check it out." He handed him a business card and I could see writing scribbled on the back, I knew it was his phone number.

Tony obviously knew this too, "I'll have to think about that. I don't really need a gym. I get enough work out at practice but if its as good as you say I'll have to check it out." Jason, who I immediately didn't like anymore, smiled what he knew was a very charming one. "It is, I can even show you around and get you in for free. You won't regret it," he smirked.

Tony chuckled, and looked over at me. I tried to rid my face of any emotion but he could see right through me. He nudged me with his elbow, "Can I take this guy along?" "Oh. Are you - are you guy's.. together?"

He glanced at me and faked a laugh, "Ha, this guy. No. No we're not actually. Not my type. He's too shy, cautious, indecisive and untrusting for my liking. Oh yeah, and you know what, he already has a gym, I won't need to take him along."

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