Camera Phones are the Root of all Evil

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"I got some pictures from my awesome party,” Josh grinned when he walked into the locker room after a Sunday practice.

“The one the day after prom or the one last weekend,” Nick snorted. “Prom, some chick was taking them I guess,” Josh answered.

We all passed them around until Josh got to the one at the bottom of the pile. He didn't laugh at this one. "What is it," Nick asked, reaching over to pluck it out of his hands. Josh moved too quickly though. "Uh just of me, hooking up you know. I should keep it."

I smiled, "No, no. Let me see it. Who was the unfortunate victim? Poor Flynn."

"Logan, I really don't want to -"

Nick snatched the picture when Josh wasn't paying attention and handed it to me. At first glance I thought it was Josh in bed with a girl.. but unless Josh was bi now it wasn't him. I looked at him confused then looked at the picture again.

There were two bodies in a bed, one obviously a guy's, one a girl's, both only in underwear. Their faces buried in pillows.

"Who would take a picture of this," I looked at Josh, "Once upon a time I would've thought this was funny but if people are passing it around..." I was about to rip it up when I noticed a shark tooth necklace on the guy.

I looked at Tony who was, like the others, waiting for me to finish so that they could see it too. His shark tooth necklace tucked underneath his t-shirt.

I gave the picture another look. The rope on both Tony's necklace and the necklace in the picture was a thin black and blue braided rope.

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding and handed the picture to Tony. The guys all peered over his shoulder and looked too.

His head snapped up, and he shook his head, "No. No. Logan, it didn't happen." The guys were confused but I didn't stay to explain. I grabbed my keys, leaving everything else behind. "Logan, it didn't happen," he came running after me.

He grabbed my hand but I pulled it away.

I wanted to vomit, touching him made me feel sick. He tried again but I turned around and shoved him back.

"Logan! Would you listen to me! It didn't happen. Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong. Please," he reached out.

"Touch me and I'll swing at you," I yelled.

"Stop it, damn it. You're not thinking about the situation clearly!"

"The necklace you had on, I bought you, while we were together. So it's not an old picture. You hooked up with someone two weeks ago!"

"Logan I didn't -"

"How could - you had sex... With someone else, with some girl! After we… Who is she!? Some lucky girl you picked up? Fuck this, I don't even want to know."

"This is all a misunderstand, I swear to god! This is an accident or -"

"You don't accidentally slip and fall into a vagina!"

"Logan, I didn't! I can barely remember what happened that night! I'm pretty sure that I didn't sleep with her.."

"How'd you end up in bed with her then, naked?"

His eyebrows scrunched together, trying to think, "I just remember going to lay down."

"Yeah. Lay down on top of her," I snapped.

Before I could protest he had me wrapped up in his arms. My arms locked underneath his. "Why can't you just have faith in me? Are you ever hearing yourself? I didn't touch that girl."

"What the fuck is wrong with me exactly? What's wrong with you? Something must be wrong with me! Was I not enough?!"

He winced, "Nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong with me or you. I love you Logan please -"

I jumped and pushed as hard as I could until he let go. "Oh fuck you! I can't believe you! Shut up! You love me? How could you use that as an excuse, how could you think that that's going to make everything better. I thought you were serious when you told me that, because I was!"

"Logan I'm not saying it to try and get you to forgive me! I'm sorry I said it like that, but I needed you know that before you did something drastic," he pleaded.

"Oh like break up with you! Why shouldn't I? You lied to me! And you and that girl, what - why - I don't even know, I don't understand!"

"I was drunk out of my mind but I don't remember sleeping with her or even who she is -"

"You were drunk.. what a great fucking excuse Tony. Maybe I'll go get drunk and fuck Alyssa, no worries right. Oh sorry Mel, I was just drunk."

He reached out, "Logan -"

"Don't touch me," I snatched my arm out of his reach.

"We have to talk about this."

"There is nothing to talk about. I don't want to talk to you."

"And what about -"

"Don't ask me about us.. Not unless you want an answer you don't want to hear."

His mouth opened, his face contorted in anger, but then his face showed an emotion I've only seen on Tony a handful of times, hurt. He didn't say another word.

There was silence between us for a long time. Eventually I just walked out and to my car. I opened my door but he popped up behind me and closed it.

I spun around and was choked up by the look on his face. It was mixed with so many different emotions. He looked hurt and destroyed and that hurt me even though I know it shouldn't.

"Don't go. Not while you're still mad. Not before we talk this out. Don't go," he pleaded.

I just shook my head and reopened my door and said with as much strength as I had, "Please don't talk to me. Just stay away from me. Just leave me alone."

"Please," was the last thing I heard him yell before I backed out of my spot and drove away.

(A/N: Welp... let the drama unfold.)

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