The Graduation Song

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"Would you stop crying! The ceremony hasn't even started yet Becca." I frowned at her and she shoo'd me away. 

"Can't I be proud of you? Just go, go inside and get ready. No, wait. One more picture with you and Logan."

Groaning I yanked Logan to my side and rested my arm on his waist. Instead of one she forced us to take ten more and we just barely made it inside to our proper places before we had to start walking out.

He was called way before I was and received a nice loud cheer from our senior class. He smiled when he found me in the stands and sent me a small wave. They listed off a few achievments of his, honors, sports award, and what school he was going to as he made his way back to his seat. I felt almost like a proud parent... well, a proud boyfriend.

When my time came I ran across the stage with both arms raised, making peace signs with my hands. My classmates laughed and called out my name. I even heard a few of the guys call me 'King'. I grabbed my diploma slip, shook hands with officials and headed back to my place.

The rest of the ceremony went pretty quickly as it was hot out and the principals didn't want to drag it on. We threw our caps in the air and that was it. We were high school graduates. We were adults. We were going out into the world on our own. We had to take responsibilty for our own actions now.

It was difficult trying to get through the crowd of parents and classmates. I'd been stopped several times to take pictures with friends and put my number in everyone's phone. I couldn't even remember who I'd given my number after one point. I was just trying to get to Logan, Becca and Logan's mom, Melissa.

I felt a hand wrap around my arm and turned to see the face I was looking for.

My lips found his immediately and my hands found his waist. He pulled back to breath, looking sheepish and shocked. "Tony my mom -"

"Is taking pictures," I finished for him. He turned to indeed find his mom snapping away with her camera.

"God, Mom, no."

"What? You two are so cute," she gushed and continued her photoshoot.

Logan rolled his eyes and turned back to me, smiling. "Let's let them get their pictures so they can leave." 

Becca and Melissa both scoffed before doing just that. "Let's get out of their hair. I'm sure they're going off to party and do whatever the hell the kids are doing these days," his mother smirked, kissing Logan's cheek before walking away with Becca.

"I think it's a bad idea for them to team up," Logan frowned.

"Nah, your mom will probably take Melissa under her wing and make her a better parent. Plus," I added, "They'll keep each other busy while we're gone." I brushed some hair out of his eyes and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Everyone's making out," he said, bringing me out of the trance of his eyes.

One glance around confirmed his statement, and I smirked at him, wiggling my eyebrows.

"No. We can make out later. How about instead I tell you that I'm proud of you for not being a sterotypical dumb blonde jock. And that I'm happy we're going to school together."

I laughed, "I probably would be if it wasn't for you. There's a lot I have to thank you for actually. School, grades, lacrosse."

"You're naturally a good lacrosse player, that has nothing to do with me."

I shrugged, " You were always good competition for me which pushed me to be better."

He shook his head, his cheeks red, denying it all.

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