My Big Gay Secret

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WARNING DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE GUYS KISSING OTHER GUYS! First chapter involves some naughtiness.


As I jogged behind him on the track I couldn't help but stare, just a little, at the muscles in his back and shoulders. Ok, maybe I was staring a lot. One word, ohmigod.

Ok. I snickered to myself. That was extremely girly, but come on who wouldn't stare at Tony Moro's muscles? Oh right. Not a guy and last time I checked I definitely had all the male anatomy. I peaked in my Under Armour spandex and checked. Yup, definitely still male. And damn it, definitely gay.

I know what everyone would think. Not our lacrosse superstar? He's had plenty of girlfriends. He isn't gay! "Oh but he is," I sighed and muttered to myself. "What you say bro?" Tony looked back at me. "Uh, nothing."

He smiled and slowed down a bit to run next to me. "You're still down for that party tonight, right? After this win today, coach is definitely letting us off practice tomorrow! Plus, gotta have my wing man, the Loganator, with me," he nudged me in the ribs. I smirked, trying to block my previous thoughts about him out of my mind, and acted excited, "You know it!"

When did I realize I was gay you ask? Well, it was when I watched Tony, my best friend, strip off his shirt at the beach last summer. How many times had I watched him take off his shirt to impress the ladies, how many times had I done the same thing? Played right along with him? About a million.

Tony was clearly not gay, and neither was I until last summer. Well.. I guess I was always gay. The only two people that knew were my mom and another closet gay on the lacrosse team.

It seemed my mom already knew though. It was a total what-the-fuck moment. Apparently, she's been waiting for me to admit it for about two years or so. Well, I definitely wasn't thinking about being gay two years ago.

And when did I realize I was gay for my best bro you ask? I don't know. But I did know that Tony Moro could never find out that I, Logan Reese Buchanan, was gay, for him...

"Dude, are you as hung-over as I am," I heard Tony whisper from the top of his bed. I immediately placed my hands over my ears. Even his whispers were too loud. "Guess that means yes," he laughed. "Stop laughing. I'm not. I just have a headache," I snapped. He sat up and waved me off.

He walked out of his bedroom into the hallway, probably going to the bathroom. I tried to untangle myself from his blankets, and rolled over onto the floor. I heard his distant laugh. I stood up, dusted myself off and looked around for my sneakers.

"What you doing?" He was standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes. He actually looked adorable and the bed head added to the look. I shook my head clear of that idiotic thought. "Uh morning run. If I don't do it now, I won't at all. You coming with?" "Yeah uh, no. How are you going to run hung-over." "Didn't think so and uh, because I'm amazing? Duh." "No, you just can never stop practicing."

I changed into my running shorts, not really caring that he was in the room and pulled off my shirt. He whistled at me. "Hey hot stuff. Dude, if you go running without a shirt on, you'll probably get kidnapped or raped by some girl."

He looked in his dresser for clothes and stripped down to his boxers. I looked away, "Um, I'll uh, I'll take my chances. I'm going home when I get back -" "Why? I thought we were hanging today?" "No. I told you I had plans. Then you said 'Sure, whatever, which party should we go to'," I said in a voice that was supposed to make him sound like a tool.

He thought it was funny but he would never catch the sarcasm while he was still hung-over.

"Whatever Logan, date night tomorrow then?" He always joked around like that. "Yeah, tomorrow." We fist pounded and I left quietly, not wanting to wake his dragon parents. I threw my bag in my car before running off.

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