Two can play this game..

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Monday :

"Hello Ms.Williams"  I mentally groaned for choosing this particular time for having coffee. If only I would have known.

"I'll have Americano"  The cafe boy took my order.

"Your coffee choices had changed it seems" his started talking again. I tried all the best to move away from him.

"Not only in coffee, even in men. I now prefer only trustable and truthfull men. Whom you could have never heard of" That caught him offgaurd. But only stopped him for a moment before following me to the table.

Tuesday :

"Do you know about the fair next town? We should definetly go" I heard Amanda tell Sam and that idiot.

I stopped in my heels and turned backwards. Guess no luncheon today too. Its better than having him around.

"Your food is already here Nora" Sam yelled from such long distance making everyone in the cafe to look at me.

Great another irritating lunch.

Wednesday :

"So this is where you live?" My neck hurted as I turned around at once.

Gosh not him again.

"Why the hell did you follow me?" I nearly yelled at him in the road.

"You may have forgotten to invite me. So I came by myself" he replied leaning over his car casually with hands in his pockets.

I slammed my apartment door so hard, after which I regretted it might have broken.

One month later...

"How come you are so punctual to office these days?" I asked Sam as we went to the cabin.

"It's all because of that lazy dog. Her car is still in the garage" I realised he was talking about Amanda.

"Yeah. So you are using this chance to spend some time with her. Alone" I stressed the last word teasing him.

His cheeks turned to the shade of pink. "No I am not"

"Say till you belive. But let me tell you something. I heard her saying that some Stefan in her department was interested in her"

"I don't care" he huffed and moved towards his place.

I shook my head smiling to myself.

The rest of the day, I spent with Kevin helping him complete the presentation for the upcoming meet with our boss. Its not so pleasant to work with Kevin; Especially when he tries to flirt whenever he gets the chance..

But its better than being around that idiot. After the stunts he has been doing all month.

I feel like punching someone hard. He really gets into my nerves. There will be no repeat of today's show ever. If he tries anything again surely I'll kill him..

"Umm Nora.. Why are you holding your hands like you're gonna punch someone..??" I came out from my thoughts and saw Kevin pointing my folded fingers terrified.

I cleared my hands and tried to act normal. " No Kevin I'm not gonna punch you. Its just a way of stress buster thing I saw yesterday on Tv.."

" You're stressed..??" He asked looking really really concerned. The good thing about Kevin. He's really a caring person. He'll not stop until I'm ok..

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