Chapter Nine

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I'm starting to get extremely nervous about Roxanne. Nobody's even noticed she's missing except her director and cast. Everyone thinks since she's a grown woman she just left to go to somewhere else. She kind of did, but not in the way they think. I don't even know if time travel exists, but if she's gone without her phone or clothes it must.

I plan on looking for her, but I don't know how. How can I get to 1976? Is there a time machine? Did she just wake up one day and end up there? I don't know, but it's freaking me out. I've even taken a few sick days from work so I have time to stress out, which isn't like me.

Today is the last sick day I will take because A: I can't afford any more sick days and B: Roxanne wouldn't want me to worry about her, would she?

I decide to listen to Queen. I even blog about them which I usually only do on weekends. I re-fall in love with them as I do all this. I can't believe I hide my love for them so much. They're so talented.

Soon, though, I have to stop listening to them for the day. It reminds me too much of Roxanne and how passionate we were for them. I know she's not dead, but I have absolutely no way to contact her whatsoever. This sucks.

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