Chapter 32

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I slowly open my eyes to the broad daylight peering into the window. The warm sun being pressed to my face brings me to sit up on the couch with a settled are stretch. I sit in nothing but my black Kalvin Clien boxers.

I yawn an notice all the scattered clothes mixed on the ground. I smile willingly to myself and plummet back down on the couch where Julia lays still asleep with the couch blanket giving her the only form of coverage.

I had an amazing sleep last night, holding her in my arms on this small couch made everything so much more real.

"I love you.." I whisper to her while she's sleeping.

Her hair perfectly caresses her features as loose strands fall innocently down her face. Her lips stay closed and perfectly plumped.

I lay in awe as I stare at this person that has had so much of an loving affect on me. If never had a girlfriend that has been this close. Serious relationships were never a real thing for me. Growing up as a nerd, then being thrown into the spotlight to be one of the biggest known artists in the world never really gave me the chance to fall in love with someone that loved me back.... For the right reasons.

"I love you too..." She murmurs unexpetingly with her eyes still shut.

My attention draws to her as she slowly flutters her eyes open. 

"Good morning" I smile and trace my fingers down her cheek to move the hair from her face.

"Morning" She leans up and pecks my nose before leaning over the side of the couch to grab my black t-shirt that I wore yesterday.

She blissfully slides it on and falls back down on the couch in her black spandex and shirt. "How was you sleep?" I mumble to her with a smile.

"Lovely..." She smiles innocently at me before attaching her lips softly against my own

I attach my hand to the left side of her neck from the kiss. She suddenly aches in pain and pulls away.

"Are you okay? I ask in worry while pulling my hand off her neck. I look and see the big dark red purple mark she has on her neck that was not from my lips.

"Jesus Christ it looks worse then yesterday..." I murmur.

She answers with a small grieving nod and refuses to touch the pierced mark.

"Im so sorry this happened to you darling. You should of just ran..." I tuck the air behind her ear.

"Louis I tried. He thought I was playing hard to get. He grabbed my wrists and pushed them against the wall before kissing me. I told him to stop... but he kept going and said that I needed to relax. Like if I got to run then I sure of hell would of. Did you think that I wanted to be there?" She says with rage starting to boil through her voice.

"That's not what I meant...  know you couldn't run. He isn't getting away with what he did. That's sexual assault. When we leave New York... I'm gonna tell management and have him stay on a different bus, different hotel, different EVERYTHING so you don't have to breath the same air as that asshole. He will never go near you again Julia. You are safe with me.." I spill out in utter seriousness.

"Louis thats sweet... but i don't want to cause trouble with management. I haven't even started touring with you guys yet and now Ive already pushed around all the arrangements..." She mumbles.

"Julia... He should be arrested for what he did. This is nothing. Management will be kissing your ass so you don't go to the press or police saying that you were sexually assaulted by Harry Styles" I grab her hands into mine.

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