Chapter 5

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Well, having coffee with Julia has become a daily occurrence, and I love it, but she still doesn't know 2 big secrets of mine. 1 that I am a member of the biggest boy band in the world and 2 I have a 7 month old daughter.

But now I think I'm ready to ask her on a date.

Its about 12:00am and I'm in the elevator going to her floor.

I get out of the elevator and walk down to her door step and knock on the door.


"Come in" I here her threw the door.

I walk in,

"What if I was a burglar?" I say.

She is in sweats and her hair is in a bun, she is on the couch watching TV.

"Yeah cause a robber should come and rob me in the middle of the day and know I'm home" she laughs.

I shut the door and walk over to the couch and sit, I've been to her place plenty of times so I'm pretty comfortable with the surroundings.

"Want some popcorn" she smiles with the bowl in her hand.

I open my mouth wide and she tosses a piece and I catch it! I smile at my success.

"Aha, good job" she laughs.

"So, before I get distracted, I need to ask you something" I smile.

"Sure, what is it" she leans in on my shoulder.

"Well, I know we have gotten to know each other A LOT, but would you like to go on a date with me" I twiddle my thumbs.

"Nah, I'm good" she says

"Oh, um ok, I..." Then she cuts me off.

"I'm just kidding you goof! Of course I would" she laughs.

"Oh my god, don't do that again!" I laugh and hold my chest in relief.

"How about tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 8" I tell her.

"Sounds good, I'll be here" she laughs.

I'm just about to reply until I hear my phone ringing.

"One sec" I get up and go down the hall to answer the phone call from Harry, he is watching Harmony right now and is having some issues.

I tell him to put her on the phone, even though she can't talk she likes to hear my voice.


Louis gets up and goes down the hall to answer. Its weird , every time he is here, he is constantly on the phone but has to go talk somewhere 'private'. What is he hiding? Is he seeing another girl? My curiosity got the best of me so I decided to snoop a bit.

I tiptoe down the hallway and see he is on the phone in my room, I try to listen to the conversation.

"Harmony, its alright, I'll see you soon. Don't cry baby, I'm just visiting a friend, Ill see you soon" at that point I've heard enough and tiptoe back to the living room.

So is he talking to another woman? I hope not, but Louis is a sweet guy, he wouldn't do that...right? I decide to just brush it off my shoulders, I shouldn't be snooping anyway.

I sit on the couch and watch t.v again and pretend I've been here the whole time. Right then Louis walks out.

"Sorry bout that, but I need to go now....just problems with my friends car" he quickly says and races to the door.

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