Chapter 25

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AN/// THANKS FOR THE READS! Don't forget to comment and vote! Some people have asked me if Harmony's name is from Fifth Harmony. NO! I liked the name Harmony and I picked that name way before I knew who Fifth Harmony was LOL. Just thought I would straighten that out. Thanks for reading!:)


"You have got to be kidding me" I say to Louis as I look down at my chest.

Harmony's back is pressed against my chest from a 'baby satchel' as what Louis calls it.

Its like a backwards backpack but instead a baby. So like a baby strapped to me.

"No. No I am not. You guys are gonna lose her on the street!" Louis crosses his arms.

"How bad do you think we are! Were not gonna lose her!" I say.

The boys start laughing at me.

"You never know" Louis shrugs.

"Okay well why do I have to wear this! Why not Liam or Zayn?" I ask.

"Lou told me about how you wanted to be a dad one day. So I guess you can consider this training" Louis laughs.

God dammit Lou.

"Whatever... Did you have to turn her into a marshmallow?" I ask referring to Harmony dressed in a puffy jacket, hat, snow pants, gloves and huge pink boots.

"Its November! Its cold outside" Louis says.

"Their isn't even snow on the ground!" I say back.

"I don't want her to get sick!" Louis crosses his arms.

"Whatever can we go now?" I ask Louis.

"Yeah. Please be careful!" He says.

"Finally. Okay well bring her back safe and sound" Liam says and we turn to the door.

"Oh wait!" Louis says. I roll my eyes and take my hand off the door handle.

He walks around the corner and comes back with a huge duffle bag.

"Here's some supplies" he hands it to Zayn.

"Dude. C'mon" Zayn rolls his eyes and puts the duffle bag strap around his shoulder.

"Okay now you guys can go" Louis smiles.

"Alright Harmony, let's bounce" I look at Harmony in the satchel.

She smiles even know she restrained and in a marshmallow suit.

The 4 of us walk out of the suite and to the elevator.

Liam clicks the button and only seconds later the door opens. We step in the elevator and click the lobby button.

"So to avoid the crowd, let's go the back way" Zayn says with the black duffle bag strap across his chest.

"Yeah, theirs the crowd out front. Since we're walking to the diner they will all just follow us" Liam says.

Harmony sits in her satchel against my chest.

Her arms stick out and so do her legs slightly. She looks like a starfish.

"Niall I do have to say mate...this is the manliest thing I've ever seen you do" Zayn laughs at me.

"Yeah yeah... This is my training!" I shout.

"I think he just said that because you look like an idiot in that thing" Liam chuckles as the elevator door opens.

That probably makes more sense...

"Whatever" I mumble.

We walk down the hallway from the elevator and walk right across the hallway to the back exit.

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