Chapter 22

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"Shh" I whisper as we enter the pitch black hotel room. We're just getting back from a concert and Harmony is sleeping in my arms.

Louis shuts the door and turns on the light to his hotel room. I whip off my black heels and shuffle over to his bedroom to place Harmony in her pink crib.

I lay her down and take off her tiny boots, jacket and hat. She rolls over to her side still asleep with her thumb dangling from her mouth.

I lay the tiny pink blanket halfway over her and place her white bunny next to her.

I tiptoe out of the room and into the living room where Louis is hanging up his jacket.

"Thanks" He smiles and holds his arms out so I can throw him my jacket to hang up.

"I have to get used to it, right?" I smile and throw him my jacket.

"This doesn't mean I'm leaving the faith of my child's life in your arms for the tour. You just have to watch her when I'm in things like interviews, signings, concerts" He lists.

"So kinda what I already do now?" I ask.

"Exactly. I'll be home at night and on the day a lot of times. The only difference is we're traveling at the same time" He smiles.

I notice that he calmly limps over to the couch and sits.

"Why are you limping?" I ask worryingly and walk around to the couch.

"Huh? Oh leg is just sore from know" He finds a obvious lie.

"Is that the same leg that was burned from the fire a while back?" I cross my arms.

"Yeah...but it's fine" He half smile and looks away.

"Louis it's not fine, let me see" I demand.

"No it's fine Julia!" He raises his voice slightly.

"Louis" I don't back down. His leg should of been healed a long time ago.

I glare at him and cross my arms again.

"Alright!" He gives in and reaches for his jean pant leg.

He rolls if up revealing huge red welts still imbedded to his skin.

"Louis! This isn't something you can ignore! It looks infected" I shout but cautious know Harmony is sleeping.

"I know that! That's what I'm guessing anyway. But I don't have time to go to the doctors! They will cancel the tour if I can't go one with the rest of the boys." He quickly rolls his pant leg back down.

"But what did you expect! You were going to have to go check it out sooner or later!" I say.

"I was hoping later. It will only hurt if I'm standing for too long " he mumbles.

"There not gonna cancel the tour. You have under 2 weeks left in New York. We need to go to the hospital!" I make my point.

"Fine but tomorrow. I don't wanna get Harmony up again and drag her to the hospital at midnight" She ruffles his hand through his hair.

"Fine...but at least take off your pants" I ask.

"Gladly" He smirks at me.

"Not like that! I meant you need to get out of those tight jeans" I shake my head and chuckle.

"Oh.." He frowns at my correction.

"Nice try" I get up and walk to the kitchen.

I grab two mugs from the cabinet and start boiling water from the kettle.

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